Cheers for all the updates, Big Jim !
I'm certain that quite a few of us have our fingers crossed and are following your updates.
He's improved slightly from yesterday. His WBC is now up to 0.2, but I think normal range for his age is about 8, 9 or 10. So that sort of puts a perspective on things. Certainly he has no Neutrophils at the moment, and anything under 1 is classed as being Neutrophenic and at risk of infection. So I think the point is, though his body is showing signs of recovery, he isn't out of immediate danger of infection yet. His Fevers have started to get further apart in time. So, a few days ago he was spiking before his next paracetomal was due, where as now he's spiking every 7 or 8 hours. I think the longer he goes between spikes proves that he's improving. i.e. sooner or later he won't spike at all.
He had a CT and ultrasound scan today to check for a fungal infection, but that all came up ok.
So really it's just a case of waiting and hoping still. Though even once his counts are recovered, he still has many months of being super careful and avoiding virus's. Then the 30% possibility that the Cancer returns.
A truely horrible disease. I was looking at jobs at the institute of Cancer Research earlier as this whole situation just drives you mad and makes you want to physically help find a cure. oh well.
Thanks for the best wishes and also thanks again for the donations. Currently over £5K.