My arrest story

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Chris James

Über Member
By the way, Over the Hill, from the original account the police had already cuffed Psychoman and was searching him before he found the photo on his phone. So whether or not airsoft guns look like real ones had nothing to do with the policeman's suspicions.


New Member
Huffing a kitten
Rhythm Thief said:
No that's true.xx( Alright then, hurts no one but the participants. Happy now?:biggrin:;)

Not really - Everytime I read your comment and mine I cringe because of the pain! THE PAIN! OH THE PAIN!

Few weeks ago (I play every week), I got hit in the right nut...5mins later, got hit in the left! Couldnt sit properly for a few days... ;) :eek:

And its not about "playing at being terrorists" - its a bloody great laugh, like when I played footy a month ago at work - its really good fun, lots of laughs with people...
Chris James said:
By the way, Over the Hill, from the original account the police had already cuffed Psychoman and was searching him before he found the photo on his phone. So whether or not airsoft guns look like real ones had nothing to do with the policeman's suspicions.

See post 170. I have already said myself that the cop stopped him on the 3 other points but it went further when the photo was found of him in a suicide bomber pose.

On the war game thing. I play war games! No problems with that. But the website I linked and others seemed to be copying and playing at being terrorists.
If you are unhappy that I link that to other activity (Foxhunting or Child abuse) then perhaps it could be seen as like Nazi activities in WW2. It just seems at least in bad taste to me and rather disturbing to see a young person in the UK dressing up and posing like a 9/11 terrorist. That is a world away from a paint fight in the woods and it is silly of you all to think I am coming down on that.


New Member
Huffing a kitten
Over The Hill said:
the photo was found of him in a suicide bomber pose.

young person in the UK dressing up and posing like a 9/11 terrorist

So yovu seen the photo then? Or are you just guessing?

Can you show me the photo your on about (The one with ME IN A SUICIDE BOMBER POSE or the one with ME DRESSING UP AND POSING LIKE A 9/11 TERRORIST) please? Sorry about the caps, im just trying to make something clear...


Bicycle: a means of transport between cake-stops
As DG says, post the photo and then everyone can make up their own minds whether they would have found it suspicious.

Chris James

Über Member
Over The Hill said:
See post 170. I have already said myself that the cop stopped him on the 3 other points but it went further when the photo was found of him in a suicide bomber pose.

I have read your post 170. If you discount the photo bit then you are left with:

- He spoke to a police man

- He was sweating on a hot day

- He is Asian

None of which, either individually, or as a combination appears to be a reason for threatening a member of the public with a weapon.


Active member of Helmets Are Sh*t Lobby
Was it like this ? :ohmy:

pzycoman said:
So yovu seen the photo then? Or are you just guessing?

Can you show me the photo your on about (The one with ME IN A SUICIDE BOMBER POSE or the one with ME DRESSING UP AND POSING LIKE A 9/11 TERRORIST) please? Sorry about the caps, im just trying to make something clear...

The point arose from a post with two photos
the first was a terrorist with a gun, the second was someone in wargame outfit with what looked like a fairy liquid bottle on a stick.

I pressed the point that you were like the first one based on the fact that "airsoft" guns (or all I could see if i google airsoft) were very realistic looking guns and not fairy liquid bottles on a stick.

You have described the photo in your account as being you holding an airsoft gun and also detailed that you have a lot of kit to hand in. So yes there is an assumption there but given he is looking at it through a small camera display rather than an 8 by 10 glossy print it would still seem to add to his suspicion that you were a terrorist.

You can all put as much spin on it as you like but how suspicious do you need to be to question someone?

In that position on the info we have it seems reasonalble to question you and assuming the photo is not of you with a fairy liquid bottle on a stick but you standing there with a frigging great gun of some sort it seems fair of them to conclude that you may well be a terrorist.

The job of enforcing the law relies upon some assumption that you are doing wrong if evidence points to it. If I walk through town at 3am with a big sack over my shoulder would a cop want to know what I am up to? Yes. Am I breaking the law? No Not if I am just walking around with a sack and not robbing your house. Taking the matter further. What if the bag was then full of silverware? Different matter to it being full of night fishing gear.

Get real guys! Tough old world out there full of nasty people wanting to do nasty things. Any policing will by its nature affect the innocent. Just accept it and get over it.


And once again, the stop and search appears to have stemmed solely from the fact he spoke to an officer on a hot day and was Asian.

Note that the 'stop and search' involved radioing for armed backup before your precious so-called-'terrorist' photos were ever seen.

Perhaps you'd care to read the official literature on how a stop and search is meant to be carried out and what information the searching officer is meant to provide?


New Member
Tynan said:
this is what 'we' all signed up for in this supposed war against supposed terror

shitloads of coppers all over the country desperate to fine almost non existent terrorists, armed with draconian powers

if you don't like it, do something about it, general rules are to avoid coppers like the plague anyway, they're invariably peanuts

:laugh:That's a sweeping statement, I'll BIM.

SpOoKy that's my nine hundred and ninety ninth post 999 cool! pretty clever for an areshole!
Canrider said:
And once again, the stop and search appears to have stemmed solely from the fact he spoke to an officer on a hot day and was Asian.

Note that the 'stop and search' involved radioing for armed backup before your precious so-called-'terrorist' photos were ever seen.

Perhaps you'd care to read the official literature on how a stop and search is meant to be carried out and what information the searching officer is meant to provide?

So you keep avoiding the question Canrider - Are you saying you would not have taken any action if you were the cop.

All you seem to do is go back to the conduct of the cop which is not the point (that was agreed ages ago as unacceptable) but the key here is are you saying that in the events you would have assumed -
Should the cop assume he was making small talk not finding out info
Should the cop assume he was hot not stressed
Should the cop ignore he fitted the profile of a terrorist

If my mother (a 75 year old granny who wears too many clothes) did the same thing then I agree it would be odd to take the same action. Simply because it has never been heard of for an old woman to be a suicide bomber. The fact that he broadly fits the profile of who they suspect would be carrying out the activities (male, young, darker skinned) is not a matter of prejudice, just that his profile fitted.

If a witness saw a white man rob a bank, cops would not be looking for a black man and vice versa. Fact is he was unfortunately broadly of the profile that sparked suspicion.
I would love to be a wrongdoer if all cops were like you.
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