my bike is poorly :(

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Last of the Summer Winos
Just been to the LBS to get a price for a new headset.

Doesn’t look good. Existing one has corroded a bit ... oh ok quite a lot.

Best case is it all comes apart and he puts a new one in place.
Middle scenario is he cant remove the bottom race from the fork, and it needs a new fork.
Worst case is the frame is buggered…..

According to my better half it's all a cunning plan and I quote , "You're still not having another new fu*&ing bike"

Joy :smile:


I like Skol

A Minging Manc...
I can't see any good reason that a decent bike shop wouldn't be able to replace the headset in the state you describe. The bottom race from the fork steerer will be easy to cut of with careful use of a Dremmel or similar and unless the bottom race from the head tube is something out of the ordinary then that should respond to the same treatment. The Dremel should be used to almost cut through the race then a sharp knock with a drift or chisel in the appropriate place will split the race which will then be easy to remove.

Forget any ideas of a new bike matey!


Last of the Summer Winos
Shhhhh, she might hear you :smile:

TBH the forks are in a pretty bad state anyway, where the carbon is bonded to the alloy steerer is bubbling/cracked and I'd pretty much resigned myself to needing new ones sooner rather than later.

I guess 6yrs of winter commuting and if I'm honest - indifferent cleaning, has started to take it's toll
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