My face (contains stitches!)

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No weal sucking for a while Will...:blush:

Actually, sorry that you took a tumble - best wishes


Legendary Member
Just read your account on the another thread Will,


Hope you're not too sore tomorrow.


Bird Saviour
is that all??? i had that AND road rash on my chin and knees AND a broken collar bone.

YOU WIMP! Get back on ya bike!

by the way, when the stitches come out... you lose your eyebrow :biggrin: wanna borrow my eyebrow pencil? :smile:


Bird Saviour
i think that's what i did but i can't remember but no potholes or anything on road so everyone thinks i hit someone's back wheel (i have my suspicions who coz she kept crossing me throughout the ride. pretty much the same injuries too, including the tarmac scrapes in the teeth. when the scab/stitches came out of my eyebrow, my eyebrow came with it.

poor you. when your road rash turns to hard scab don't do what i did. i couldn't bend my knees so someone told me to soften the scab with vaseline. i did this, the scab softened, i bent my knees then the scab went back all hard but all wrinkly, like your fingers when they have been in the bath a long time. now my new skin is wrinkly and i think that's why :biggrin: i hoping it will go back over time but its been months now


Über Member
South Norfolk
See Your_Ride_Today. Mouth feels like somebody has punched it now. Right deltoid also very stiff so not much movement in the shoulder. Not bothered about the road rash :biggrin:

Some will remember that I am less than 2 months back from a broken hand.


Bird Saviour
Will1985 said:
See Your_Ride_Today. Mouth feels like somebody has punched it now. Right deltoid also very stiff so not much movement in the shoulder. Not bothered about the road rash :biggrin:

Some will remember that I am less than 2 months back from a broken hand.

are you sure you should be on a bike. you sound like a danger to yourself :smile:


Senior Member
Ipswich, Suffolk
Hope you heal soon mate. it looks like it's stitched together quite nicely though, and no longer leaking... always a good sign! Hope none of the bruising stays with you too long either.


Barbara Woodhouse's Love Child

Hope you're ok Will. :biggrin:

I had a very similar injury, but within the eye brow, caused by being attacked with my specs on :biggrin:

Still got the scar.
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