National traits ?

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Do most young Italian girls and boys walk along like theyve a bad smell under their nose if you deign to even get in their field of vision ? ;)

The perfect response came from a Turkish guy while i was on holiday.
The Turkish guide was trying to ask the Italian supersmoothie something about the trip we were on..the Italian virtually blanked him and looked the other way.

The guide, with a smile on his face simply said...
' do not worry my friend...i am not a terrorist...i'm not going to kill you'

Italian guy slunk off :ohmy::biggrin::biggrin: Everyone else sniggered. Perfik.


New Member
don't even get me started on the Germans:biggrin:


gbb said:
Do most young Italian girls and boys walk along like theyve a bad smell under their nose if you deign to even get in their field of vision ? ;)

Not really. Although my various trips to Italy indicate that Italian males are significantly shorter, on average, than north Europeans, and they really don't like it.....hence all the cranking up of certain Latin idiosyncrasies for our 'benefit'!


Amongst southern Europeans I noticed a lot more outward aggression during an argument (say, car parked wrongly or some such) after which they were suddenly good mates!

Whereas we seem to stand-off, let the anger build up inside and then do something stupid.


New Member
ivancarlos said:
Or the English ;)

I agree, we are the most unpleasant nation of people I've ever met. Have you been into a shop and heard the shopkeeper speak in the foreign language of the person they are serving? As for some of the British holiday makers in the Mediterranean, they just put our whole nation to shame. :ohmy:

Big Bren

New Member
I find there are very few occasions in life to which the wisdom of Alan Partridge can't be applied. This thread is no exception, so:

Shut up, you daft racist!



Big Bren said:
I find there are very few occasions in life to which the wisdom of Alan Partridge can't be applied. This thread is no exception, so:

Shut up, you daft racist!


He also said 'smell my cheese!!' (Which is applicable to that other thread ;))
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