New machine, can't wait for Tuesday.

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Hyper-Fast Recumbent Riding Member.
Oh dear, 'her indoors' ain't overjoyed as I've added another machine to the already cramped garage. At least I can't fall off/get knocked off this one. It's an 'Ice Trice Sport' and this is my second recumbent/first trike so I'm really looking forward to seeing if I can shave a minute or two off my commute on Tuesday. I've fitted the obligatory hi-viz stickers, lights, new pedals and, as the pannier rack is so heavy duty, I've used my old motorbike seat bag, as I don't want to use panniers and ruin the excellent aerodynamics.

I popped out for a quick ride around the block whilst the Missus was doing me a bacon butty. You've guessed it, I ended up doing around 8 miles, and they were a tad burnt on my return. I don't have a computer on yet, but I did comfortably hit 25 passing the speed sign just down the road which is about the max I can hit on the Strada.

I don't know about the legalities of having my lad on my knee, but it was a hoot down the cycle paths!



Hang on... Her indoors pee'd off with you re the bike AND makes you a bacon sarnie while you test ride it?!
Where do you bag a wife like that!

Re the new steed, looks niiiiice


Hyper-Fast Recumbent Riding Member.
She's not that pee'd off, as I've promised to 'thin out' the collection. The Allez is going on ebay next week.....unless I get an offer on here and then I'm gonna give the Dawes Tanami the clean of her life and sell her as well.

Mind you, I did go for a blatt on the Allez today, and with all the weight off (rack/panniers/tools etc etc she's a lot lighter than I remember, and it made a nice change to be 'upright' for a change.


Ride It Like You Stole It!
South Manchester
Oh, the bike looks great too !


Hyper-Fast Recumbent Riding Member.
Spill the beans - that's a nice lawn, especially this time of year. Secrets ?

Scarify in early spring. Use a good root based fertilizer after the risk of frost has passed (it helps that I get mine for free) and make sure you mow it at least once a week when it's growing (every 5 days is even better) to prevent weeds taking control. Try and mow when it's dry and never take more than a third off. I've never had to 'weed' my lawn, but next door only does hers if when it's really long, lops 2 inches off, and then wonders why her lawn is yellow and full of weeds.

I also make my own fertilizer 'tea' from nettles and rabbit droppings (put in an old pillow case and hang inside a water butt) which is great for lawns or any plants. Does anyone want to talk potatoes or tomatoes?:stop:


Ride It Like You Stole It!
South Manchester
The fertilizer is the thing. I mow regular and use weed and feed about twice a year then lawn after cut feed. But the neighbour's lawns (if you call them that) are weed infested, so it's a battle.... let go, they infest... argh. Alien invasion.....

So what's the recommended root feeder !!!!!! PLEASE !!!


Hyper-Fast Recumbent Riding Member.
I use the same that we use to grow the turf, K-Bone organic fertilizer. Mind you, I used to just use Miracle grow dilute granules before I started my current job and my lawn looked just as good.....but I had to pay for it.

Did I mention I've got a new trike?
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As long as I breathe, I attack.
Show me the secret of how you managed to get another bike past the wife , mine would divorce me if i got another !

Very nice looking bike , if i had the cash and i could get it up the route i use then i would really like one.
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