New Saddle

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Active member of Helmets Are Sh*t Lobby
I think it is fair to say I just have not got a Brooks arse :biggrin: , I gave it 2000 miles and just could not put up with the pain :smile: on rides over 20 miles anymore. You can stick your proofhide up your harris :biggrin:


Active member of Helmets Are Sh*t Lobby
Gerry Attrick said:
Thanks to all who have replied. I think I shall investigate the Toupe. Though I hope they don't think I want a wig.

Have a look at the gel toupe for another tenner compared to the standard, I find it very comfortable.


Legendary Member
dmoan said:
Specialized Alias - just pop down to your local dealer, get your sit bones measured, buy the right size (choice of 3) and enjoy.

As a matter of interest where are they measuring from when they measure your sit bones. And is this a measurement that can be applied to other makes of saddle?


Well-Known Member
Co Down, Ireland
Dannyg said:
As a matter of interest where are they measuring from when they measure your sit bones. And is this a measurement that can be applied to other makes of saddle?

If you stick your palms under your buttocks at either side you will feel the bones sticking into your palms. Just measure between them and you have your figure. Also all that the sit bones measurement does is ensure that you have your ass sat squarely on the saddle ie its not too small and you are hanging over the sides of it or its too big and you have wings at either side of your saddle.

At least that's what I have gleaned.


Active member of Helmets Are Sh*t Lobby
Dannyg said:
As a matter of interest where are they measuring from when they measure your sit bones. And is this a measurement that can be applied to other makes of saddle?

Well they get you to sit on a piece of memory foam built into a stool but I could not see what part was being measured.

What the chap in my LBS did tell me however was that out of all the spez toupe's they have sold it was the 143 that fitted approx 80 percent of chaps.


Über Member
Toupes are great saddles, very comfortable, as is the Selle Italia SLR Gel Flow. I have just got my Brookes B17 Standard for my winter commuter which I'll be using tonight for the first time.

I was tempted by a Fizik Arione/Gobi/Pave. Anyone got any experience of any of those?


I was measured for the Specialized avatar, which is now gathering dust in my spares box. I found it to be the most uncomfortable saddle I have ever owned.
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