Norfolk is lovely :)

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Active Member
Just to tell you all that I spent this weekend in Norfolk as I do about 3 or 4 times a year. I wasnt cycling but saw loads of cyclists out and about enjoying the countryside.

It is a beautiful place and I envy those that live there especially around Cley / Holkham areas


Legendary Member
And I thought it was Norfolk and good ;-)

Gerry Attrick

Lincolnshire Mountain Rescue Consultant
We go cycling around that area regularly too. It is always best out of season as there are far fewer barmpots towing caravans and boats then. Having said that, there are so many unspoilt lanes and by-ways that you can always find deserted roads.

Anyway, if you see two old g**s on Dave Yates, tourers, say hello.
Yes, the Cley/Holkham area is lovely, a bit 'Chealseafied' for me these days (witness the delicatessen in Cley in the old blacksmiths forge) but definitely not 'kiss-me-quick' seaside. Wells is also nice, as is Burnham Overy Staithe.


Europe Endless
The TerrorVortex
I would have enjoyed last summer's 35 mile ride in Norfolk much more had I not already done a 65 mile ride to get to Norfolk. Long old day that was.
The bit around Sandringham and such was excellent. Loads of quiet little lanes...
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