November forum ride from Hebden Bridge

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Resting in suspended Animation
jamesxyz said:
I could be up for that - I've nothing planned as yet for any of the dates.

How hilly is hilly? 1000m of climb? 2000m? more?

Probably a bit short of 2000m going on colin's previous routes that I've looked at (and not cycled).


Über Member
I was toying with doing the York ride on the 15th, but am currently free on any of the other dates.


Puzzle game procrastinator!
Sysagent said:
Mmm, I would like to see the route first before commiting Colin but if I am keen I can make any date...
I'm trying not to make it an exact replica of any of the previous rides but there is only so much you can do in 80 km, with a start/finish in Hebden Bridge and a decent cafe after about 50 km. I've got some ideas. In fact I went out and rode part of the route that I have in mind today.

RedBike said:
I will watch this thread to see if I can make it.

Bring on the hills!

aJohnson said:
It'll be a route with lots of hills I'm guessing.

Sysagent said:
I live in NW Lancashire we eat hills for breakfast!

There might be some hills on the route... :biggrin:

jamesxyz said:
I could be up for that - I've nothing planned as yet for any of the dates.

How hilly is hilly? 1000m of climb? 2000m? more?
I did a 34 km recce today and there was about 850 m of climbing on that!

marinyork said:
Probably a bit short of 2000m going on colin's previous routes that I've looked at (and not cycled).
I'd guess somewhere in the range 1,750 - 2,250 m but I'll have a more accurate figure when I've finalised the route. Whatever it is, there will be options to shorten it if the weather or legs let us down.

Bokonon said:
I was toying with doing the York ride on the 15th, but am currently free on any of the other dates.
I didn't notice that there was a York ride on the 15th. Perhaps we should go for one of the other two weekends then?


Puzzle game procrastinator!
Okay, I've plotted the route. I had to take some bits out that I'd like to have done, but it was getting too long and too difficult for this time of year. What I've come up with has a mix of long gradual climbs with some short severe ones, and everything in between. Total distance is 85 km (53 miles) with at least 1,900 m of climbing (6,250 ft). That's what I counted, the software says it is nearer 2,100 m but it tends to exaggerate so I always check.

I'll update the first post with the details once I've had something to eat - I totally lost track of time. I had a banana and a bowl of porridge for breakfast and I've only had an apple since then, straight after my ride, so I'm feeling somewhat hungry!


Puzzle game procrastinator!
Okay, let's say Sunday 29th November then!

Alun and I have averaged roughly 14 kph (including stops) on similar hilly rides this year so 85 km should take us about 6 hours. Sunset will be 15:53 that day so I'm going to suggest a start time of 09:45. If Will (Bokonon) is coming in by train from Leeds, the earliest he can get to HB station on a Sunday is 09:29. If we got delayed by mechanical problems, there's a chance we might do the last few miles as it is getting dark so it would be a good idea to carry lights just in case.

The weather might be turning wintry by then so I propose a backup plan to ride to the Country Kitchen cafe in Waddington along the valley roads if freezing conditions keep us down off the hills.

I'll update the first post with all the details.


It's in my diary, you'll have to give a suitable name though!


Puzzle game procrastinator!
aJohnson said:
I'll call it "Descent Slowly"!
On my 'recce' ride yesterday, I took a detour which hasn't made it into the final route. It involved a very fast descent to 'Great Rock' which is down a lane from Blackshaw Head. I lost concentration and started thinking what a good backdrop the rock would make for a group photograph. Yes, that fence post would be a ideal place to balance my camera. Anyway, back to cycling... HOLY CRAP - I was bearing down on an extremely tight S-bend at over 30 mph! :laugh:

This one, in fact...

I grabbed two fistfuls of brake lever but only just slowed down in time to corner safely. Another half a second and you guys would have been doing this ride without me!
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