Oatsy in No Exclamation SHOCKER !

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Keith Oates said:
You can use these in the future when and if I omit them in another post!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
<slips a handful of !!!!!!!! into back pocket for future use>
Keith - as a cyclist, have you ever thought of giving some of the other punctuation marks a chance? Exclamation is quite the most trivial of the lot in cycling. After all,

Where would we be without the ability to stop for a slash /
How would we digest fig newtons without our colon :
And would cycling be as much fun without brakes to bring us to a full stop .



Secret Lemonade Drinker
I find that ending the sentence, putting a few full stops in to 'fill the void', then plonking one exclamation mark on the end works best......!
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