Old friends popping off

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Smutmaster General
I was a bit knocked for six today, on hearing the news that an old school friend took his own life on New Year's eve :sad: Now I really can't claim we were best buddies, or anything, but we were part of a large group of mostly carefree, happy youngsters at secondary school, who grew up together, learned together, got drunk together, played sports together, saw bands together, chased girls together and then went our separate ways. I hadn't seen him for 25 years, till we had a reunion in 2012, and me and him took up exactly where we left off, sharing interests in music, clothes and humour. It was a great evening, not only rekindling friendships with him, but with others too. Then today I find he was really unhappy for a long time, and took his life, leaving a wife and 2 young kids. Very sad indeed. It's really thrown me a bit of a curveball :wacko:
Out of our class of 30, that's 6 gone now. 2 aged 17, motorbike crash (my sister was there as a nurse in casualty when they were brought in), 2 from cancer, both within the last 5 years, and 2 suicides (the other bloke was a long time ago).


Sorry to hear that, @Fnaar. :sad: My sympathies to you.

Little more I can add but I hope you get through it soon. :hugs:


Well-Known Member
That's awful, really sorry to hear your news. It's so sad that people get to that state without being given the help they need.


I was a bit knocked for six today, on hearing the news that an old school friend took his own life on New Year's eve :sad: Now I really can't claim we were best buddies, or anything, but we were part of a large group of mostly carefree, happy youngsters at secondary school, who grew up together, learned together, got drunk together, played sports together, saw bands together, chased girls together and then went our separate ways. I hadn't seen him for 25 years, till we had a reunion in 2012, and me and him took up exactly where we left off, sharing interests in music, clothes and humour. It was a great evening, not only rekindling friendships with him, but with others too. Then today I find he was really unhappy for a long time, and took his life, leaving a wife and 2 young kids. Very sad indeed. It's really thrown me a bit of a curveball :wacko:
Out of our class of 30, that's 6 gone now. 2 aged 17, motorbike crash (my sister was there as a nurse in casualty when they were brought in), 2 from cancer, both within the last 5 years, and 2 suicides (the other bloke was a long time ago).
Sad news. I've been in a similar situation. It's hard to deal with.

Accy cyclist

Legendary Member
I was a bit knocked for six today, on hearing the news that an old school friend took his own life on New Year's eve :sad: Now I really can't claim we were best buddies, or anything, but we were part of a large group of mostly carefree, happy youngsters at secondary school, who grew up together, learned together, got drunk together, played sports together, saw bands together, chased girls together and then went our separate ways. I hadn't seen him for 25 years, till we had a reunion in 2012, and me and him took up exactly where we left off, sharing interests in music, clothes and humour. It was a great evening, not only rekindling friendships with him, but with others too. Then today I find he was really unhappy for a long time, and took his life, leaving a wife and 2 young kids. Very sad indeed. It's really thrown me a bit of a curveball :wacko:
Out of our class of 30, that's 6 gone now. 2 aged 17, motorbike crash (my sister was there as a nurse in casualty when they were brought in), 2 from cancer, both within the last 5 years, and 2 suicides (the other bloke was a long time ago).

Not wanting to detract from your loss Fnaar but your post has a similarity to my story. An old workmate of mine died on new years eve,i hadn't seen him for 30 years. We had some great times in the 4 years we worked together at the local hospital but when it closed we went our separate ways. I always intended to contact him but it never happened,i even saw him at the airport the other year having returned on the same flight from Portugal,but i didn't go over and say hello.:sad:


Sorry to hear of this, Fnaar. :sad:


N Ireland
Sorry to hear this.

A few of my school friends have passed away now and I often get sad when I think that they no longer exist. It's as if part of yourself has died along with them.


Harder than Ronnie Pickering
Meanwood, Leeds
When one of my pals committed suicide I was sad at first then when hearing of the events leading up to his suicide very angry - he took a mutual friend who was a manic depressive along with him to select the rope to hang himself with on the pretext that he was going to lash down a tarpaulin over his shed for the winter and wanted the lightest strongest rope.. I still have not resolved my feelings over the matter but acknowledge that it's an event in the past that I cannot change but it's changed the life of our mutual depressive pal forever.

I meet up with a bunch of school friends for a meal and a gig several times a year and a fixture on the conversation topic list is 'hatches, matches and despatches' which has metamorphosed over the past forty years
  • no hatches, mostly matches and rare despatches
  • mostly hatches, a few matches and a few despatches
  • no hatches, some rematches, a few despatches
  • no hatches or rematches and increasing despatches
Last month was a heavy month with three despatches with varying degrees of sense of loss and death is increasingly something that goes with the territory of getting older. I don't want to get used to mourning the loss of friends and relatives but do look forwards to my own demise:

In bed, aged ninety five, shot by a jealous husband.
Sorry if this sounds cynical but as you get older, the first thing you tend to look at in the local papers is the death announcements, just to see that your not among them. For the last three months of 2013 there was one of my old work mates mentioned every week. Some of them younger than me. but such is life.


Powered by caffeine & whisky
That is sad Fnaar - one of my best friends was bipolar and killed himself fifteen years ago. I still think of him.
Sorry to hear this Fnaar, a good friend of mine who was a troubled soul killed himself during his lunch break at work. He went out the back of the sorting office and hung himself from a tree.


Sorry to read that. I've lost quite few classmates now I'm 51, illness, accidents and one suicide. The latter was a great bloke, I can vividly recall him inking (permanently) S.L.A.D.E onto his knuckles in the school bogs. ^_^ He was funny, nice, tall, very handsome and extremely popular, everybody was his friend, it was massive shock when he died. :sad:
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