Old stuff that they are bringing back

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In light of purchasing a Wispa (I know they've been back for a while) and some Roast Beef Monster Munch over the weekend.

What else would you like to see back

For me it would be:-

Blitz Chocolate with the orange bits
Spacer bars
fruit polos


Legendary Member
Old Jamaica.


New Member
I've had a space bar for the last 10 years. e.g. " ". See? Have I missed something?

I'd like to see Tesco Onion Rings return to last year's formula. This year they're crap.


Legendary Member
Proper lemonade in glass bottles produced by a variety of small, independent, local companies. I'm sick of the bland, tasteless mass-produced crap in plastic bottles all the big supermarkets stock now.

Graham O

New Member
PaulB said:
Old Jamaica.

There's a name which brings back memories of Saturday Picture Club at the Odeon in the early '70's. Politically incorrect these days of course.

How about Frizettes? Absolutely wonderful with a good Sunday cooked breakfast! It was a batter mix, using pea flour I think, which when dropped into hot oil, would puff us to form golden, crispy, tasty balls of batter. I doubt I've had them in 35+ plus years, but I can still taste them now. Hmmmmmmm ;)

Mr Phoebus

New Member
Nutty Bar. Caramel turd covered in peanuts. ;)

Texan Bar. Stretching contests; see who could stretch the bar the furthest without breaking it. ;)
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