I EVER gonna get on my new bike.... :-(

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Lavender Rose

Specialized Fan Girl
Ashford, Kent
*huffing and puffing*

Well....good news....I *think* everything is OK.

I bought the bike second hand - it needs the forks resprayed (due to scratches and small surface rust) which is now being done in the summer for better weather and its unlikely to get worse.

We have had a very busy few weekends (family, sporting stuff, easter, work, job hunting) so the bike has been on the back burner. Easter Monday the OH completely stripped all the excess old grease and oil off and re did it - cycles so much better!

However, I bought new tyres and brake blocks (front and back) as the originals were busted. Whilst fitting them, the OH said there was a buckle on the wheel, only slightly though - but enough to cause an issue. Therefore now point in fitting brake blocks.

I Took it to my bike shop who straightened it for me. 90% better, took TWO days to get it back to me. But, they said that if I were to go down a pot hole then the spokes could break as it they were already very tight before their work even started! So I felt a bit off, because I would have rather spent the extra £10 to get a brand new rim etc.

Got it home today, fitted the wheel (miraculously!), new brake blocks on the back - then one side was uneven (rubbing against the rim) a few youtube videos later and Its all sorted. Not brave enough to take it out yet until OH has checked it over.

Just to top it off, in prep for my 50 miler at some point over the next fortnight, I decided to take my old bike out - just as I got all ready and poured down.

Just felt like having a tantrum and lots of foot stamping.


Leg End Member
Never rains but it pours.

You'll get on it someday!
Lavender Rose

Lavender Rose

Specialized Fan Girl
Ashford, Kent
Well I went cycling this afternoon, on my old bike, really did not enjoy it as much as my new bike.

Here are some pics....

<--bike as a whole. All cleaned and polished.

<--New rear brakes and new tyres.

<--this was originally clogged up with years of grease....pretty gross...OH cleaned it for me pretty good.

<-- some may think this is stupid, but I love it - custom vinyl name on one side.

<--Dual bottle holders for extra hydration!
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