Pain from in my ankle running up my calf.

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Last november i had surgery on my right knee and my leg was straightned for 6 weeks, as a result of this i lost a bit of muscle in my calf. now i am trying to return to cycling but getting constant pain down the outside of my leg to my ankle also a bit around the back of the ankle, i was just wondering if anyone else has had this sort of problem.


Fiona N

I had similar sounding sort of discomfort but somehow I don't think the origin was the same - I had an ankle reconstruction which uses the large tendon from the calf to replace the ankle ligaments. This effectively shortens the tendon (or more accurately, it's stretched over a greater distance as it's threaded through holes drilled in your ankle bones) which causes some discomfort until it stretches. I'd suggest you see a physio as this sort of problem is probably related specifically to your surgery and physiology so no one of here is going to be able to diagnose remotely or suggest an appropriate response.


New Member
Sevenoaks :(
I ruptured my achilles 4 yrs ago and still gives me probs occaisionally. Last time problems occurred after a run. Got in a cold bath (after stretching really well) iced it. ibuprofen gelled it. Took ibuprofen. iced again. stretched again (ankle hanging over back of stair). iced again. It really helped. Ice, ibuprofen and stretch.
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