Pavement cyclists.

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Well-Known Member
[QUOTE 1101538"]
Oh, and this bit. For someone who has insisted on evidence and then ignored it when it's in front of them, I'm surprised that again you've taken to predicting the future, with no grounding.



Riding the Devil's HIghway
Bolton, England
OK. Here is a little bit of pavement cycling that I tend to do on my commute.

There are usually fewer that 2 people about, the pavement is huge, and taking this route allows me to use quiet roads and avoid quite a big detour. The road to my left at the crossing near the end would be an alternative route, but it is closed to uphill traffic at the moment, and is much more dangerous than the route I take anyway. As I cross the pavement, I am on the middle ring, in 3rd (of 9) gears on the cassette, I would say, doing about walking pace.

Note, I am not afraid of busy roads; I use a lot of them on the commute, and negotiate some big, busy roundabouts as well. But cold hard logic tells me that the risk is reduced if I take the quiet route here.

Would people say that this is rude, inconsiderate and anti-social? Should I be fined for this?


Well-Known Member
Twaddle, '97 post boy', twaddle.

I know, only 97 posts, but then I think only 97 posts in eight months or so is pretty good*.

On web forums 'The emptiest vessels make the most noise' is often proven.

*But then what do I know? I've only been cycling on Britain's roads for over forty years.


Rider of bikes
North Somerset
Would people say that this is rude, inconsiderate and anti-social? Should I be fined for this?

IMO, the use of pavements in your video is quite sensible. Sometimes common sense has to come into the equation.

I cycle on the pavement for half a mile or so of my evening commute. My reason being that is on a very fast, rural, uphill, A road, with pinch points which I feel make it at best inconvenient for other road users, and at worst dangerous for me. On top of that, there's a wide pavement next to the road which in 2 years of commuting, I've seen maybe 3 or 4 people use.

I only ever use the pavement when travelling uphill, as downhill I'm feel more part of the traffic due to my speed.

Quite frankly I don't care what the "law", or anyone else says about it. I feel safer on the pavement for that stretch, and I'm not doing any harm there. On the couple of times I've met pedestrians I've always given way to them.


Sometimes common sense has to come into the equation.
I cycle on the pavement for half a mile or so of my evening commute. My reason being that is on a very fast, rural, uphill, A road, with pinch points which I feel make it at best inconvenient for other road users, and at worst dangerous for me. On top of that, there's a wide pavement next to the road which in 2 years of commuting, I've seen maybe 3 or 4 people use.
I only ever use the pavement when travelling uphill, as downhill I'm feel more part of the traffic due to my speed.
Quite frankly I don't care what the "law", or anyone else says about it. I feel safer on the pavement for that stretch, and I'm not doing any harm there. On the couple of times I've met pedestrians I've always given way to them.

All sensible and pragmatic :thumbsup:

There's some right stick up their backsides people here :rolleyes:


Live to Ride
Are you a Policeman?
Were they cycling in a sensible manner and giving way to pedestrians or were they a danger to everyone around them?

It's not legal! The police will stop you for cycling in a pedestrian designated route. Isn't this the same argument for cyclists running red lights? Next time I walk anywhere I'll walk in the cycle path and everyone can ride around me. Common sense surely?


New Member
Liverpool, UK.
All sensible and pragmatic :thumbsup:

There's some right stick up their backsides people here :rolleyes:

Its quite saddening I think, that there are people on the thread who seem (and I put the emphasis on seem) to think that cyclists like adds and myself deserve to have our bikes taken away from us and have no right to be cycling. There are some dark corners on this board, where people can be very judgemental, single minded, sarcastic, and just downright rude.

I'm just trying to lose a little weight, get myself fitter, and ease myself into road cycling without putting myself, or motorists at risk. I have every intention of becoming a road cyclist and the last few days I've done more and more, but when I'm ready for it.


Barbara Woodhouse's Love Child
I have no issue with cyclists on pavements where safe to do so (I do it myself in a section where a shared path becomes ped and then goes back into shared - for some obscure reason). WOuldn't do it in a busy ped area .... no need really since a lot seem to just walk out into the road anyway.

I do bloody hate those cyclists who jump off into the gutter without even looking. :angry:


Well-Known Member
By the Ching
"But these days most cyclists are self-obsessed, whiney infants".

I think you might have taken a wrong turn back there. This, in case you haven't noticed, is a cycling forum. Populated mostly by cyclists. The hint was in the title.

Doesn't make it any less true though, does it?

John the Monkey

Frivolous Cyclist
.... and ease myself into road cycling without putting myself, or motorists at risk. I have every intention of becoming a road cyclist and the last few days I've done more and more, but when I'm ready for it.

Put your mind at rest, you'll not do much damage to motorists :smile:

Do have a think about some bikeability training or joining a bike to work guided ride if your intention is to ride on the road.

Mostly it's about road position, riding predictably, good observation, and anticipating hazards in time to deal with them. I started out riding the road, with advice from people on here, and my local bike shop (they had a far better route that they recommended over the one I was taking).
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