"People" who kick off with the word 'So'!

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Legendary Member
Seamus Heaney starts his Beowulf with it. He explains:

'Conventional renderings of hwæt, the first word of the poem, tend towards the archaic literary, with ‘lo’, ‘hark’, ‘behold’, ‘attend’ and – more colloquially – ‘listen’ being some of the solutions offered previously. But in Hiberno-English Scullion-speak, the particle ‘so’ came naturally to the rescue, because in that idiom ‘so’ operates as an expression that obliterates all previous discourse and narrative, and at the same time functions as an exclamation calling for immediate attention. So, ‘so’ it was:

"So. The Spear-Danes in days gone by
and the kings who ruled them had courage and greatness.
We have heard of those princes’ heroic campaigns." '

So, if our Seamus had hailed from Lancashire, he'd probably translate it as
"Now then. the Spear-Danes...


Re member eR
So. Like. What have Nazi's got to do with it?
It's almost as annoying as the ones who;

1. Start to speak with "I mean......."
If it's a new discussion/idea/situation that they're talking about, they're not trying to explain something that is already undergoing:banghead:

2. The people who add a secondary identifying/re-inforcing factor to a sentence/statement, example; "I like to eat hamburgers, me"
Where does the 'Me' come into it, they've already told that they like hamburgers:banghead::banghead:

3. My in-laws, & even my wife are guilty of the 3rd phrasing (as well as 'number 2'), as an example, when referring to 'small-child'/the Dog/etc..

"our Amelia", "our Lottie'
Perhaps I assumed that they were telling me about someone else by that name, who also lives in the house, but is not related, & they had to clarify the confusion??

I appreciate that perhaps the "our" is slightly vernacular phrasing to the West Riding area, but all three drive me crazy


Leg End Member

Mad Doug Biker

Just a damaged guy.
Craggy Island
…and a flyer from the Tories dropped through the letter box yesterday. All their achievements listed in a column of sentences, all of which beginning with the word 'so'.
A couple of sentences on another page began with the word 'and', which I was taught was even more unacceptable.

What? Voting for the Tories, bad grammar or both??

Mad Doug Biker

Just a damaged guy.
Craggy Island
Now, now, MDB, let's keep the Café the Café, and not move it into the Society, Culture and Politics zone.

You started it!:tongue::laugh:
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