Petrol Strimmer care for over the winter.

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Legendary Member
Petrol does vapourise, if you really need petrol or similar to start a bonfire the (aside from being poor a making a bonfire) the marginally safer way to do it is put a small amount on a rag and stuff it into the base and light that.

If you pour a shoot load of petrol on top, the vapour is going to go up flames as soon as you light a match / lighter like it does in Die hard 2 on the runway about 1.15 in


anyway @shep give it a try if you want, but I wouldn't advise it, if the wind has drifted the vapour back arond you you will be on fire.
Petrol does vapourise, if you really need petrol or similar to start a bonfire the (aside from being poor a making a bonfire) the marginally safer way to do it is put a small amount on a rag and stuff it into the base and light that.

If you pour a shoot load of petrol on top, the vapour is going to go up flames as soon as you light a match / lighter like it does in Die hard 2 on the runway about 1.15 in


anyway @shep give it a try if you want, but I wouldn't advise it, if the wind has drifted the vapour back arond you you will be on fire.

No sh*t!

So you honestly think the fella who mentioned using petrol for a bonfire was going to chuck a load onto a burning fire?

How long have you people been around, don't you know you get one of the neighbour's kids to do it!


Legendary Member
How long have you people been around, don't you know you get one of the neighbour's kids to do it!

indeed good strategy.

you missed the point though, he didn't chuck it on a burning fire, that would be grade 1 stupid.

He chucked it on the pile of wood etc. then by the time he got around to lighting it, there was a cloud of vapour surrounding the pile exacerbated by the pile being walled in on 3 sides. He then struck a match or lighter etc which ignited the cloud of flumes explosively. Grade 2 stupidity

welsh dragon

Thanks but no thanks. I think I'll pass.
There is an additive that you can buy to add to the tank to keep the petrol from degrading. Can't remember what it's called but Mr WD uses it in the ride on mower. Just put so much in depending on the amount of petrol you have in the tank and it starts without any trouble after the winter. I think you can out it in your cars petrol tank as well


Über Member
Petrol does vapourise, if you really need petrol or similar to start a bonfire the (aside from being poor a making a bonfire) the marginally safer way to do it is put a small amount on a rag and stuff it into the base and light that.

If you pour a shoot load of petrol on top, the vapour is going to go up flames as soon as you light a match / lighter like it does in Die hard 2 on the runway about 1.15 in


anyway @shep give it a try if you want, but I wouldn't advise it, if the wind has drifted the vapour back arond you you will be on fire.

Well no one would pour loads of petrol on a bonfire would they? Most adults have some basic common sense.
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