Plane lands in Hudson river.

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Mr Pig

New Member
911 has a lot to answer for:



Senior Member
Birmingham, UK
snapper_37 said:
Having a severe phobia of planes, I would have died before it hit the water. Well done to the Captain - not sure I'd ever get on another plane if something like that happened.

Me too. Absolutely terrified of flying, but sometimes I have to do it. Anyway last summer I sat next to a doctor (on a plane) who told me all about how her flight out of Newark hit birds. Apparently there was a terrible noise and smell of burning. They circled around and landed again. All very scary. I have to say it probably wasn't the most helpful story to tell me as we taxied along the runway at Detroit Metro. :biggrin:;)

Anyway I'm meeting my friend Carlos on Sunday. He lives and works near LaGuardia so it will be interesting to find out if he saw anything.


Married to Night Train
Salford, UK
swee said:
With cool and nerve like he's displayed, he ought to be made an honorary Brit....;)

Amazing skill. There was a BA pilot on the news at lunchtime who had all four engines fail over the Indian Ocean and had to ditch, and he was saying "Of course, I had the advantage of 37,000 feet to think about what to do. This guy didn't...."

Mr Pig

New Member
Arch said:
"Of course, I had the advantage of 37,000 feet to think about what to do ."

I'm not sure that's a good thing! :0.


Married to Night Train
Salford, UK
Mr Pig said:
I'm not sure that's a good thing! :0.

Well, it gave him several minutes of planning time. I suppose that also meant several minutes of worrying time, but he'd maybe have been too busy to worry much....


Legendary Member
If you want to read a hair-raising story, Google that BA 747, which blundered into a cloud of volcanic ash over Indonesia. That was your captain on the radio.


Ride It Like You Stole It!
South Manchester
Oh are really going to scare those frightened of planes.....

They are very reliable, you are far, far more likely to be killed on your bike.....!!
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