Plane lands in Hudson river.

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Barbara Woodhouse's Love Child
fossyant said:
Oh are really going to scare those frightened of planes.....

You'd be surprised what 6 vodkas and 2 diazepan can do on a flight to Cyprus Foss.

So were the Flight Attendants :biggrin::biggrin::biggrin:


Ride It Like You Stole It!
South Manchester

I love flying...TBH, the more often the better you get with it...... especially if there is some cow in front complaining about the kids when she has got on a plane full of young families..... you can see she's nervous, so I talk about safety, crashing and air pockets with my son...haa haa..haa.......


Barbara Woodhouse's Love Child
Yep, you are right there. My Bro works for a large airplane manufacturer in the US and travels more on a plane than on foot. He's always said that my fear is because I don't fly enough.

I've had numerous lessons in turbulance, air pockets, design, components, safety etc etc. Doesn't make a difference - irrational fear.


Secret Lemonade Drinker
I have no problem with flying. Have over 300 skydives, 200 + solo glider flights, and numerous 'normal' flights.

What really scares me is the public's attitude to flying. They moan about the food, complain about the movie and start fights in the cabin.

I just wish I could get them to realise they are in a thin aluminium (aluminum for the americans) tube, pressurised, and hurtling along at 500+ mph. Is that not wonder enough?

I had to help the crew of a Quantas jet restrain a drunk passenger (it was a monday 08:30 F.F.S.) cos he wanted to storm the cabin!!!!

Might sound right wing, but I don't think people with criminal records should be allowed a passport, IMO.

Well done to this pilot though for getting it down safe in the river.


I read he's being called a hero. Not sure I'd agree with that. Absolutely astounding skill and staggering calm but not what I'd call a hero. I know it's being pedantic but I'd rather he be recognised for what he did and not become a beacon for others to illuminate themselves with.

I applaud Captain Chesley Sullenberger for a demonstration of all he's been trained to hopefully never do (and I recognise his own skill when I say that) and above all else staying calm enough to put it all together and bring that plane down safely. The guys deserves the accolades despite what I think of the semantics.


Married to Night Train
Salford, UK
yello said:
I read he's being called a hero. Not sure I'd agree with that. Absolutely astounding skill and staggering calm but not what I'd call a hero. I know it's being pedantic but I'd rather he be recognised for what he did and not become a beacon for others to illuminate themselves with.

I applaud Captain Chesley Sullenberger for a demonstration of all he's been trained to hopefully never do (and I recognise his own skill when I say that) and above all else staying calm enough to put it all together and bring that plane down safely. The guys deserves the accolades despite what I think of the semantics.

I think hero is fair enough. Just because he's doing something he's trained for doesn't mean he isn't heroic as well (although the pilot I saw interviewed said that that situation wasn't something you could train for in a simulator - I don't know if that's true or not, but it does seem he had a whole raft of stuff to deal with, not just one thing at a time). If nothing else, the fact that he checked the passenger cabin twice before leaving qualifies him in my books. Why not call him a hero.

I suspect since 9/11 the people of New York have developed a rather over the top adoration of the emergency servies, which might explain them getting such praise. Maybe there's a feeling that they aren't appreciated enough day to day, and this is a good 'excuse', if you see what I mean. I was more impressed by all the ferries immediately heading for the scene to help (although you like to think, if you were in charge, it's what you'd do automatically).

I expect the cockpit voice recorder might make for interesting listening - although they might have been too busy to chat much....
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