Plans for the weekend?

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V Festival at Weston Park!

Wellies at the ready...!


More serious cyclist than Bonj
Saturday, going to a wedding, so will be dessed up smart:sad: Strange thing is, its a brothers mate, who isnt that much older then me, 2/3years older. :becool: Brother is best man, so this is going to be a laugh :evil:
Sunday will be taken up by cycling:biggrin:


Wedding for me too - very attractive cousin (all my female cousins are stunners) on her second marriage. Nice guy she is marrying though. Otherwise a bit of a spin with my son on Saturday am and a spot (or six) of DIY. I took three days last week to strip the front door. I really should paint it.


New Member
Bit of a lay in Saturday morning, probably a shuftie round the shops with Mrs M and two sulky/stroppy (nearly) teenage daughters, round to the Mother-in-Law for tea.

Out with the usual suspects for the Club run, no idea where we are going, but it will involve hills, a cafe stop, and a race back home. Hopefully the weather will be kind to us.


Ride It Like You Stole It!
South Manchester
Not much - out on bike - might do Blaize Hill/Wildborgh Clough as haven't been that way for a while !

Thinking of the Manchester 100 - 7th September - might put an entry in (don't think I'll be able to do the Southport CC run - be out too long). The Manchester 100 starts at 7.00am..eek, so should be home by 2.00, including riding back from Wythenshawe Park.


Europe Endless
The TerrorVortex
Probably go to Cambridge for the day - on the bike if the weather's decent, on the train if not.

Amanda P

Legendary Member
Gig on Saturday (playing at Fountains Abbey visitors centre, for a wedding, I think. They specially requested "Master Blaster".... What's that all about?)

Sunday, bright and early (going to be tough after the gig and the drive home), catching a train heading off to the Hemerald Hisle for three weeks touring around the bottom left-hand corner with Mrs U.P.
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