Plans for the weekend?

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User259iroloboy said:
Well...Tomorrow is the first club 10 of the season, in the evening it's the club dinner, then Sunday it's the club run, a full week-end of cycling.:biggrin:

fossyant said:
As Dan would say...lashings of vino tinto tonight..... then 30 miles on the bike tomorrow pm - weather is looking dry.....

Thank-gawd for that, I thought this was supposed to be a cycling forum yet no-one was actually going to ride a bike...

I'm cycling to Llandudno, which should be about 100m, then we're going to Mrs wrx's company do in one of the hotels there, stay overnight and drive back.

Assuming I arrive before Mrs wrx and the car, I'll tramp into reception in lycra and ask to check-in and where can I put my bike ? That'll provoke a definite 'reception' I expect !

Then later-on I'll squeeze into my DJ and attempt to stay awake through a multi-course meal and wine, followed by business speeches no doubt, then tripping the light fantastic on the dancefloor.

I've not met many of Mrs wrx's business colleagues before and apparently I have to behave, so falling asleep or looking brain-dead might not make me popular with her.
At least the group MD is also a serious cyclist so I might get sympathy/respect from the Top Man.


Legendary Member
I'm out for dinner tonight, chilling out with the husband tomorrow and then going on the Yorkshire cyclechat bike ride on Sunday with aforementioned husband and some lovely chaps and chapesses from this forum!! Very excited.


Legendary Member
Somewhere flat
Plan to go out on a ride in the morning. Might watch the rugby too. Just need to stop spending money! Less than 24 hrs after I have been paid and I have already spent £340 on bicycle components ;)
I think I'll go on the club run tomorrow and depending how I feel and the wind (I hate wind, give me a hill any day) I might go out with the faster group. I probably then cycle to the parents for tea and avail of their garage ( I greased my front hub on the commuter a few weeks back but I think I'll need to replace the ball bearings and if I have time I'll do the rear too). I'll probably go out for a gentle social ride with SPOKES on the Sunday.
Oh my goodness me what a weekend this is turning out to be! Got two really good rides in total rode a distance of 105 miles. I was staying at my friend's in Brum last night so just rode back here on my tourer (40 miles), but I was down to shorts and legwarmers and a jersey and armwarmers. Superb! It felt really warm.

But by far the highlight of the weekend was last night. My favourite band, Lau, were playing a series of small gigs around the place beginning to promote their new album and we saw them in lickey parish hall. A really tiny intimate venue. Blurryell they were fantastic. Absolutely fanstic. They totally nailed it and were totally great. I am a happy girl today and all lau'd up. Just have to wait for my pre-ordered album to arrive in the post now...

Now I am sitting on the sofa listening to the new album by the Martin Green Machine, contemplating a trundle out to get a sunday paper. The sun is out and I've got a cup of tea as well :smile:
longers said:
Owt planned?


Sittingduck said:
Plan to go out on a ride in the morning. Might watch the rugby too. Just need to stop spending money! Less than 24 hrs after I have been paid and I have already spent £340 on bicycle components :smile:

Spent 50 quid in Evans today on two tyres as I found the tread hanging off the back wheel when I got to Waterloo.Weird.
Kirstie said:
Oh my goodness me what a weekend this is turning out to be! Got two really good rides in total rode a distance of 105 miles. I was staying at my friend's in Brum last night so just rode back here on my tourer (40 miles), but I was down to shorts and legwarmers and a jersey and armwarmers. Superb! It felt really warm.

But by far the highlight of the weekend was last night. My favourite band, Lau, were playing a series of small gigs around the place beginning to promote their new album and we saw them in lickey parish hall. A really tiny intimate venue. Blurryell they were fantastic. Absolutely fanstic. They totally nailed it and were totally great. I am a happy girl today and all lau'd up. Just have to wait for my pre-ordered album to arrive in the post now...

Now I am sitting on the sofa listening to the new album by the Martin Green Machine, contemplating a trundle out to get a sunday paper. The sun is out and I've got a cup of tea as well :becool:
A regular day out when I was visiting my grandparents was to the Lickeys although the only bit that I can remember clearly is the banjo tram/bus terminus and the direction pointing thingy (there is probably a proper name for it) on the top.


Legendary Member
Somewhere flat
My first ever longish ride was to the Lickey hills back in about 1991 (would have been 15 at the time!. Remember coming down from the top of the hill and all the way back home without stopping. Pretty much flat out all the way with my mates - all on chepo MTB's :becool:

Thems was the days.
hackbike 666 said:

Spent 50 quid in Evans today on two tyres as I found the tread hanging off the back wheel when I got to Waterloo.Weird.

But I can't be bothered to change the tyre tonight,im tyred <:becool: and I can't be bothered to faff about.


Puzzle game procrastinator!
ColinJ said:
I'm off to meet up with new CycleChat member goodspeed in Oxenhope this morning and we will then go on a little tour of the local hills.
That was good! We did just over 40 miles (I don't know exactly how far because my damn GPS cut out again due to loose batteries). No problems until we were saying goodbye in Hebden Bridge when Martin (goodspeed) decided to have a can't-unclip-in-time moment on the cobbles of HB's new pedestrianised zone. It looked pretty painful, but he was able to get up remarkably quickly in an embarrassed oh-crap-there-are-loads of tourists-gawping-at-me-and-it-didn't-hurt-what-are-you-looking-at kinda way. :becool: He then had to drag his bruised and battered body up the 4.5 mile climb out of town - ouch! (Don't worry - I've just heard from him - he got home in one piece!)
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