Plant Lock?

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The bars/handles on those plant-pots don't look particularly strong where they join to the container itself. I think it could be a potential weak-point.
Maz said:
The bars/handles on those plant-pots don't look particularly strong where they join to the container itself. I think it could be a potential weak-point.

You don't lock it fool, you hide it! :thumbsdown:


New Member
Maz said:
The bars/handles on those plant-pots don't look particularly strong where they join to the container itself. I think it could be a potential weak-point.

I thought that too. Just as easy to cut through as a lock. The bars are meant to be 'super-toughened' whatever that means. It would put off the casual thief, but is that who steals bikes from outside houses??

I don't reckon they would be much good for high security - might be OK for locking the bike to something in the yard (there's nothing at all in my yard that would work, so when the bike is home, it lives in the kitchen :thumbsdown:)
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