Poor memory.

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Legendary Member
Wrong my uncle had it a few years ago.
The diagnosis of Alzheimer's can only be made definitively after death in a post mortem, dementia can be diagnosed by exclusion but there are different types


Cardinal Member
Ohio, USA
I had terrible brain trauma as a small child and among other things a side effect was problems with short term memory. I can remember useless technical facts and nonsense that someone told me seven years ago about a product, but I can't remember why I went into the kitchen just a moment ago. My brother affectionately calls me Dory at times. I have found that I remember music and tunes very well for some reason so if I make a song up about something that helps me, but I feel I may be getting worse and I am only in my early 30s. I know the memory is there somewhere as it'll pop up at a totally random time when I am not thinking of it, but accessing it is apparently the hard part :sad:

david k

North West
My memory gets worse at times of stress or I have work building up.

If I'm less stressed, control my workload it's better

A friend went the doctors with his memory, he was told he is trying to hold too much in his head, write things down, reduce stresses, make to do lists, all of which helped


Middle aged bald git.
Memory is quite a complex process. Including stages of recognition, registering, retaining and recalling. In most types of dementia the short term memory is affected but long term memory remains intact. So people can remember 30 years previously - but not remember what they did the previous day. The recall part of memory is experienced by the "tip of the tongue" sensation when a person knows they know something but cannot pull it out of their memory - the elusive memory often crops up a day or two later when the person is unaware they are still trying to recall the experience.
Recognition and registration can be impacted upon by stress and being preoccupied as well as by failing senses such as vision and hearing.
Depressive illness can also mimic dementia and should always be considered as a possible cause of memory impairment as can some dietary insufficiencies such as vitamin B12 deficiency.
If concerned, it is definitely worth checking with your GP - they can either identify a problem early and help resolve or manage it, or at least offer reassurance that nothing serious is wrong.


Legendary Member
Our elderly neighbour has dementia but keeps recalling things that happened when she was a child. Sadly she no longer recognises her husband but she often talks fearfully about "those men" who used to call in to the house when her parents were out and used to touch her. Very sad and there's nothing we can say to reassure her.


Old enough to know better, too old to care!
There are techniques to improve, but they require a lot of effort.

You could say that about pretty much anything.:smile:

Mental function in general diminishes with age and, yes, anxiety, depression, fatigue, etc don't help.

Almost any mental activity will help maintain function just as physical exercise maintains physical strength and stamina. Do crosswords, sudoku, puzzles, learn an instrument, learn a language, read books, write books..

I'd be inclined to avoid drugs unless prescribed by a doctor.
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