Poor service - discountbicycles.co.uk

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New Member
Hi! Just wanted to let people know about a really unpleasent experience I've recently had with discountbicycles.co.uk in London. They were helpful when I called initially about getting a bike seat for baby and other accessories including the BETO rear carrier for rear disc brake, the information they gave turned out not to be particularly helpful or accurate. Worse was when I called for help afterward my order had arrived they were really rude, called me a winger and put the phone down on me repeatedly. Also, not so much of an issue but a matter of customer care, I had picked a helmet for baby and they changed it without telling, would have been nice to have been contacted. Have since gone to my local shop at Kirroughtree in Dumfries & Galloway where I bought the bike, absolutely incredible service. To be honest, it's a lovely area, slower pace of life and I think the folk at Kirroughtree, Brake Pad, are the total opposite of the spectrum and not what you can expect to find in too many other places in the UK. Buyer beware, I'm sticking to local stores in the future where there is some accountability.


It's never good to hear of a bad experience with a bike seller but, I have to say, a clue could well have been in the name.

Local bike shops are usually a better bet for service and I'm pleased your local lived up to that.

Welcome btw. :biggrin:

Gerry Attrick

Lincolnshire Mountain Rescue Consultant
Please do not take offence JKang, but your first post is to slag off a bike business. It may well be justified, but this is only your experience and the business has had no opportunity to reply. If your only gripe is that they changed the helmet without asking, then surely that is easily resolved by returning it if necessary?

There are two sides to any story.


Taking the biscuit
yenrod said:
J what do you expect its london.

Better realm of people up north ! generally.

I can happily recommend a number of very good LBS's in south London.
They're not all bad.:wink

I need to go to discountbicycles to buy a piece for a trailgator, I'll let you know how I get on.


New Member
Further information

Hi, thanks for your comments. With specific reference to Gerry Attrick's valid comments, no offence taken whatever, indeed there are always two sides to a any story. I am sorry that my post is not positive about a negative experience that I have had but my intention is simply to help others avoid my experience, the main issue was not related to the helmet, I mentioned in my initial post that that was a minor point. The main issue I had was that I had problems with the fitting of the rear disc brake carrier and when I called to ask for advice or instructions for its fitting (instructions had been provided for the normal brake carrier that came with the child seat) I was very rudely dealt with. I don't expect to be hung up on or insulted because I have had a problem with a product. I would have returned the whole lot but I don't trust the retailer to give me a refund after the way they responded to my request for help. It's frankly disappointing. Had I read further reviews on the internet regarding the company, which I have since done, I would have heeded the advice of others and avoided the whole experience. For tdr1nka I would say however, as Gerry Attrick says, there are two sides to every story and if you are looking for a straightforward purchase, good luck and you might well fine that your transaction is pain free.


New Member
North East
let the bloke tell of his experiences with this shop, after all thats why most sites have reviews, to speak good or bad. ive seen loads of people saying evans are crap, yet the majority say they are good, im going down the metro centre see the bikes first hand then either buy instore or online.

however the name of the site does say it all really as mentioned already, just be weary mate who you deal with ;)
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