Possibly the worst wig in history

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...says Damian Thompson.

Britney Spears runs a close second

Rob S

New Member
Although I can't provide a picture I can assure you that the worst wig in history is currently taped to the head of someone in our building at work....you can see it's nylon from four floors high!! You can tell he just can't face the 'oh, have you done something to your hair?' comments he'd get after giving it up and going bald like so many perfectly fashionable people (and nobody would look twice) ...so he's carried on wearing it and drawn looks from every person who's ever seen him for at least the 10 years.


New Member
And bald blokes can be seriously, seriously *hot* looking..

whereas wig-wearers are definitely, definitely NOT.

Rhythm Thief

wafflycat said:

That's brilliant:biggrin:. Not only is it an obvious wig, but it's ginger too. Not that there's anything wrong with ginger hair, but a wig should at least be close to the colour of your own hair.


New Member
That's what I can't understand... has no-one the courtesy, the kindness, to tell said blokes that really, really, really there is nothing wrong in being bald (says she who is married to a bald man - he was bald when I met him and it didn't stop me fancying the pants off him) but there is *everything* wrong with looking like a twit in a bad wig. I've never known the fact that a bloke is bald put off a woman fancying him. The only derogatory comments about bald men I've heard about from women who have come from women who are particularly shallow airheads...

Plus.. think of all that testosterone that bald blokes have.. Phwoooar!


Legendary Member
I had a haircut a bit like Mr Gibb after experimenting with Sun-In and then having it cropped at the back and sides. There's a photo taken of me with a Beefeater and I'm looking like I've got a ginger tom on my head.

It looks particularly fetching with my grey leather jacket and flecked trousers :biggrin:.

Night Train

Maker of Things
yorkshiregoth said:
The Kittywigs are hilarious!:becool:

I am growing my hair for the stage as I don't want to wear a wig.

I have lots of hair though, but if I was to start loosing it and being more bald then hair I would just shave it off. Hair is an all or nothing thing, no half way, comb over, measures or wigs.:biggrin:


Night Train said:
I am growing my hair for the stage....

Does the stage love you as a person or is it only interested in you if you have the hair? I'd say the stage was shallow....I think you should exeunt that relationship now.


Legendary Member
At the time when I was going bald...... I went for a haircut. The bloke messed around for ages and it wasn't until he'd nearly finished that I realised he was giving me a combover! I almost exploded with indignation and told him to get it off straight away.

I once went into an ironmonger's to buy something and the shopkeepers were two elderly men, identical twins, short, with little Hitler moustaches, black hair and identical ginger toupees sitting on top of their heads. They looked like the Thompson twins out of Tintin. I was amazed; I thought it could be a windup or a Candid Camera sketch, I looked around for a hidden camera but no.... it seemed to be the real thing. Amazing.
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