Post a trivial fact about yourself/

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Night Train

Maker of Things
And I've had a pee in Mike's workshop.
In the loo, I mean, not behind a lathe or summat.
I had a poo in church. It was on the floor at the bottom of the stairs from the church hall and within sight of the altar. I had been sent down the said stairs to the toilet but I couldn't find it and was desperate. I was only about 3, or 4, years old and attending the church hall nursery at the time.
God and I have had a funny relationship ever since!:giggle:


I was in the school year below Eddie the Eagle, and went on a ski'ing trip with him back in the day.
Richard OBrien (Rocky Horror) also went to the same school, but is about 20 years older.

Mad Doug Biker

Just a damaged guy.
Craggy Island
I also have said hello to the Queen, and seen most of the Royals at one point or another, with the exception of Wills, Kate and Camila. I've shaken hands with Tony Blair (remember him?) and said hello to Jack McConnel (no, really, remember him?). I have seen Gordon Brown, Nick Clegg.... in fact a few of the main politicians old and new including Ed Balls, William Haige, and one of old, John Major.
I once saw Paddy Ashdown hop and skip along the street at St Pauls with, who I presume was his grand daughter and I've seen Paddy McGuinness walking down the street in Belfast.

The leader of the Scottish Greens, Patrick Harvie's parents lives just up the road from us, and I was once accosted by Tommy Sheridan in the middle of Glasgow.
I once attended a charity dinner Cherie Blair was talking at.

I have met the legend that is Simon Weston, as well as Simon Yates, the guy from Touching The Void who cut the rope. Also, the bald Scottish woman off the telly, jeez, what is her name?? and an ex Boxer, a black guy who had to cut his career short after suffering brain damage or similar...... I should really look all these people up! I have also said hello to Noel Fielding and co.... The Mighty Boosh in case you are wondering.
Also I have seen the woman that plays Eadie McReady in Ballymory. She looks nothing like her character and I've met some of the original cast of River City (big deal)

I have Desmond Llewellyn's autograph somewhere (Q from the bond films) and I have seen various people from a distance including Sean Connery walking down the Royal Mile in Edinburgh and Ewan McGreagor, who was cycling through the middle of Glasgow for a film that was being shot.

When it comes to sport, I have seen Sir Chris Hoy, almost all of the Scottish and Team GB Curlers as well as many from other countries. I have seen many of the professional snooker players and have some of their autographs, AND I have attended an evening's audience with Dennis Taylor and one of the senior refs you see/saw on the T.V.

Footballers I have seen a plenty as well as Rugby players.

Hhhhhhh.... I've seen LOADS of people in my time. Last but not least however I once worked with Forbes McFall, an old Television and Radio news reader for BBC Scotland up until the early 2000s.

This is him here:

All I can say is that he looked a lot better than in that picture at the bottom of the link! Much fuller and healthier looking.
He's in a less stressful and demanding job now though I suppose.

He had left the BBC, reinvented himself and is now a History teacher.

When I came across him he was working supply at the Special needs school I also worked at.

I kept meaning to ask him if he still stayed in touch with Jackie Bird and Co.

Mad Doug Biker

Just a damaged guy.
Craggy Island
I also entered a drawing competition where, as it turned out, I was the only one who had entered, so I won by default! :blush:
It was a church thing and I seem to remember winning £5, yay!!

I have to point out that I was about 9 at the time, and it was to celebrate the 30th Anniversary of the church or similar. As per the brief, I drew the church.

Do not think that was a lucky one off though as I actually came 3rd in one of these National Schools Road Safety Campaign Poster competitions.
I won £20 and had to receive a Bronze Certificate in front of the School!!

I now wish I had kept drawing.

Getting back to models however, I made a model of a dog in Primary 2 which was considered good enough to be put on display at the School entrance.

I was ever so proud!
Hover Fly

Hover Fly

Lazy so and so
Pat 5mph might have seen this, but Pete Waterman is a well known rail enthusiast and has his own railway model company called 'Just Like The Real Thing', which sells high specification models in the larger scales. He also produces music or something.

Anyway, he is always at Model Rail Scotland and other railway things, and, he is by and away the famous person I have seen the most. Seems reasonably friendly too.

I know a chap who makes models for Pete, and by a bizarre cross thread coincidence is the brother of the woman involved in the "Ginger Dwarf attack" mentioned in the "Give me some dialogue..." thread.


Über Member
Belvedere, Kent.
I've got a shed in my loft


The stuff I make in my horsey business had been used on the most valuable racehorse in the world (Frankel) @ Ascot last October in front of most of the royal family (I managed to get in the way of her Bentley when sha came in) Also used by the Royal stud @ Sandringham as well by a few fairly famous eventers.


Returning Hero.
N Ireland
I'm a 2nd Dan black belt in Taekwondo.

OOh, and I got my picture taken with the late great George Best in the early 80's, I think I was 3 at the time.
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