Post a trivial fact about yourself/

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Mad Doug Biker

Just a damaged guy.
Craggy Island
I have never met Madonna...... True story!!


Re member eR
I once played rugby against Andy Hancock.....he of the famous try in 1965 running the full length of the pitch. I was playing for Barnet 6th XV and he played for Chelmsford Undertakers.....I seem to remember he scored 5 tries against us that afternoon.

Tell us more Colly........

Oh nothing to do with rugby. Whatever gave you that idea?

No it was the local schools sports day. I was in the sack race.
Sadly I was a dnf. I fell ar5e over head and smacked my face into the turf. And do you know what? No paramedics, no stretcher, no magic sponge. Just a jolly along from Miss Harrington and that was it.

My career as an international superstar ended before it had begun. :sad:

Blue Steel

New Member
I once appeared on television with Rolf Harris. A programme called "Rolf On Saturday" for those of you old enough to remember. Rolf was great, a genuinely nice guy.


Active Member
Im full of my self, so I'll post two:

Im allergic to milk.
Not lactose intolerant - 100% allergic to any animal milk.
Lactose on the other hand, has no effect on me.

I got 100% marks in gcse biology (Including all coursework.)


Harder than Ronnie Pickering
Meanwood, Leeds
I am one of the very few people in the world who have a tractor in their hallway. True that.

Will you marry me?

I want a tractor in the hallway.


Active Member
trivial fact about my dad:

He feel off his bike in Conwy (I think) on a family holiday as a young child, messed up both his elbows.
Since then, he has had metal joints in his elbow and cant put his arms straight.
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