Presta into a Schraeder hole?

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Tattooed Beat Messiah
Have presta tubes into schraeder and never had a problem...(so far)


Legendary Member
The valve shouldn't go back into rim. If you are worried about the tube bulging out past the valve, I would fit a washer over the valve and keep it on the inside of the rim. I think a presta valve is 3/16" in diameter so you would need a washer in that size.


or have a washer on the outside and just screw that little screw thing onto the valve, like you should anyway with presta holes. IN fact that might suffice on its own without a washer. Unless you buy your tubes from decathlon which are shite as they have threadless valves.


Über Member
interesting - never occuredto me that the tube could work its way into the hole - never had that happen.


Rare Migrant
There is such a thing as a little rubber gromit that you put in the valve hole (with a hole through the middle for the valve stem). Not sure where you can get 'em from though.


Landslide said:
There is such a thing as a little rubber gromit that you put in the valve hole (with a hole through the middle for the valve stem). Not sure where you can get 'em from though.
LBS (well. mine anyway) has them. I bought a (Kona) bike recently and switched the tubes to Presta so that the valves matched all the other bikes in the family and I didn't have to bugger about with the pump attachment.


Legendary Member
I'd be surprised if it happened anyway as most tubes have reinforcement around the valve.

Steve Austin

The Marmalade Kid
if you use a velox rim cloth, that will stop any movement by the tube. You could always put two layers of electrical tape beneath the rim tape a cm either side of the hole to stop any movement, but ime it don't weally matter

and you can get valves thingys that look lie a little rubber gromit that work fine.


crappy member
All new mavic rims now come with such an adaptor - it's just a plastic thing that goes into the larger hole to make it a bit smaller! someone must have some spareanyway, I think you could survive without using them


Comrade Member
Spa Cycles fixed me up with some a coupla years ago but it's a cosmetic item really. Soon I'm going to change to schraeder anyway as they are low pressure tyres.
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