Proof: 28 Days Later

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I watched a documentary film about Cillian Murphy, an Irish bit-part actor supplementing his income by working as a bicycle courier in London.

In it he is hospitalised with what appears to be a cycling-related head injury. No reference is made to the nature of the injury during the documentary, although scars can clearly be seen on his head, as can evidence of shaving around a head wound.

It seems pretty clear to me that the injuries he suffered could have been avoided had be been wearing a helmet.

Coincidentally, many of the other people featured in the documentary were also helmetless. They died violent and horrific deaths, which cannot be coincidental.

Why do some so-called experts continue to ignore the evidence?

Watch the Murphy documentary and tell me you still think cycle helmets are a bad idea.

Gripping stuff, although only South London was as I remember it. The other parts seem to have fallen into some disrepair.


Legendary Member
Oh no not another helmet thread
Wear one if you want too end of story good bye


Senior Member
My heart starts to thump even thinking about it, I know I'm a bit of a lightweight but I thought it was one of the most frightening things I'd ever seen and now I wish I hadn't seen this thread just as I'm about to go to bed :ohmy:
Well that was really wasted on some people Boris!


Yawn, why go on about this. The only sensible line to take is one of non-compulsion; do what you want, but do not either make helmet wearing or non-wearing compulsory.

There are good arguments on both sides, but what seems to be the worst case scenario is one in which all cyclists must wear a helmet. The negative effects on society through reduced health are just unacceptable.

gary in derby

Well-Known Member
really dont know why? the wearing of a helmet is such a big issue! if you want to wear one wear it! if you dont, well, dont. i for one do wear one, its personal choice and i do not care what others do as its their choice. so, again what the problem? why get so hettup over something thats none of your business?


Dog on a bike
1891429 said:
You're not that familiar with the film then?
Nope vaguely aware that there's some kind of zombiefication going on. Since this thread started it's now on my list to watch this weekend while SWMBO is out. Lovefilm has to be good for something....
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