purist cyclists

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No longer a Specialized fanboy
I'd be fascinated to know how you know other cyclists -- no matter what they are riding or wearing -- are looking down at you and giving you a snooty look.

T'other day I was riding in the opposite direction to a lycra clad roadie, I was on my MTB and gave him a nod, his gaze followed me untill he passed and Im sure I could lip read hime saying...

"Whaaat theeee fuuuu....."

I took that as evidence he was looking down upon me, and my trusty steed. And I didnt give a fuuuu....


Active Member
I must admit I dont pay much attention to what other people are riding, unless someone steams past me. Sure, I can make out road bike/mountain bike but brands and what the people are wearing (unless attractive female form) I am usually too busy to notice.

Paulkraken - What sort of machine are you on that someone would give you that sort of attention?


I'll be honest here, but I'm getting pretty tired of novices complaining that everyone isn't giving them hugs and kissed because they've just discovered cycling.

For many, cycling is a part of their life, they don't consider it a 'thing', it's what they do. I don't let on to people shopping in Tesco, despite the fact we're both shopping.

Ride your bike, enjoy it. Get over yourselves ffs.


Someone's imaginary friend
I would suggest, in the most mild manner possible, that those complaining of snooty treatment by other cyclists are they themselves showing a certain tendency towards labelling certain cyclists as being all the same and guilty of a particular behaviour, which then leads them to see that behaviour even where it doesn't exist.

Cycling isn't roadies vs MTB riders vs hybrid riders vs people on BSOs. Cycling is what happens when a human being uses a machine to get about more effectively and faster than he could on his feet and with less environmental impact and more enjoyment than he would in a car. There's nothing more to it than that.

You are just as likely to find a rude person on a mountain bike or a hybrid as you are on a roadbike. The wearing of lycra is not an indication of a person's commitment to good etiquette and/or social interaction. And, even, an expression of surprise on being greeted by a fellow cyclist might just mean that the person so surprised has never had anyone acknowledge him before.

Some people are anti-social. Some aren't. The former doesn't mean they are welcoming you into some special club for people who ride bikes and the latter doesn't mean that they are disdaining contact purely on the basis of your choice of machine.

In other words, don't be so sensitive. It doesn't matter what you ride, just as long as you do.



Ye sounds like you're being slightly paranoid. While there may be one or two muppets who feel the need to comment on 'types' of rider, most couldn't give a rats I'd imagine and just want to enjoy riding their own bike.

In any case, turning the tables and labelling roadies with all the gear 'purists' is almost pot calling the kettle black. You're the one creating the hierarchy.



Bicycle: a means of transport between cake-stops
No snobbishness here - I even fraternise with those whose cycles have only two wheels! :ohmy:


Well-Known Member
I try to push riders without tri-bars off the road. They don't belong in the cult of the two wheels.


NOT had a bike for 20yrs, 3 wks ago bought myself a claud butler urban 100 hybrid, not the best bike in the world but its the best bike i've ever had, seeing as all my bikes growing up were 2nd hand/ put together from other bikes. So 1st ever brand new bike! just been doing about 4 or 5 miles every other day, as my work shifts and total lack of fitness wont allow much more.
I go out wearing tracksuit bottoms, a t-shirt and if its cold maybe a sweatshirt.

whats bugging me is the down the nose, snooty looks i seem to be getting from the so called cycling purists.....you know the ones with the fancy expensive road bikes and the matching cycling shorts n jersey and helmet and all the other apparell.
being a more experienced cyclist and better kitted out does not make you a superior person!!!!!
Does anyone else find this kind of class system in cycling or is it just the muppets that i encounter???

ok rant over, thanks for listening :thumbsup:

I think you have the problem, not the cyclists you imagine are looking down their nose at you. Many so called 'purist cyclists' will have a cheap bike for pootling around town and will not look down on you. I think the problem is in your own mind. Get some confidence and enjoy the cycling.
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