Random thoughts which flit through the transom of your mind.....

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betty swollocks

large member
As I was walking home this afternoon along a river path, out of nowhere I thought of the Windows' pipe screensaver and the mixed feelings of fascination and dread it used to engender in me, and I shuddered.
So, what random thought flitted through the transom of your mind today (if you'd care to share it) and what emotion did it engender in you?
The thought of what bike I might buy if all four of my runners came in at Longchamp this afternoon.

One third, two seconds and a nowhere soon banished my dreams.


i was thinking if i caught up with that lovely young lady on her bike who passed me at greater speed than i could ever achieve would she be impressed enough to think , yes he is a lot older than me but i would .


Puzzle game procrastinator!
I had an idea to develop an app to display the sun's position in the sky from any point on Earth, at any time in history. Apart from being an interesting idea, I thought it would be useful for people buying houses, planning gardens etc. Blow me if the Gadget Show didn't mention The Photographer’s Ephemeris about 10 minutes later! :sad:


When I used to commute, I almost daily passed a flatbed lorry trailer and one day noticed its steel hooks welded to the sides for lashing loads..right about my head height. For some reason, I imagined getting too close and catching one in my eye socket :ohmy:...oh gawld, every time i passed it and looked i got thqt thought.


Not today, but I pass many wind turbines. I watch the sails as they whir round...and imagine the horror of being tied to the tip of one of those blades.
I fear heights..sometimes just watching an extreme video will make my legs quivver. Bl00dy wind turbines.
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