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Ride It Like You Stole It!
My cousin bought an MX-5 when she retired because she'd always wanted one.... kept it for about 2 months and quickly sold it... not practical and she got bored with it. She now has a two door Rav-4 [I think].

It's why I like the Mrs's SUV ish car, no need to climb out. I can just drop out of the seat. Great for my back.


Cake or ice cream? The choice is endless ...
Get ready for the rear end catching up with the front end if you give it the beans...

And your trilby might go missing if you drive over 40mph
When was the last time the fuel filter was changed @Accy cyclist, some diesels have problems with pressure due to a dirty filter that needs replacing. A full service would be £300 and add value if you decide to sell on?


Not So Special One
You need to check the MOT history on this car then I think you would avoid. Lots of recent fails and long lists of advisories including lots of corrosion and an oil leak.
These are the most recent tests from 2020 & 2021;

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Accy cyclist

Accy cyclist

Legendary Member
Some corrosion NS and OS outer sills = rotten as a peach internally. They rot from the inside out.
Thanks for that! :okay: Yes, best to avoid it after reading that i'd say. I bet sellers hate info' like that being made available to potential buyers!
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Accy cyclist

Accy cyclist

Legendary Member
When was the last time the fuel filter was changed @Accy cyclist,
Match last year when i paid for a similar priced service. I have the itemised bill in the car's glove compartment. I'll have a look at it tomorrow to see if they changed it. Even then they might've just charged but not changed.
Accy cyclist

Accy cyclist

Legendary Member
Looks like its a knacker... Feel sorry for the poor sod that ends up paying for that.

There was another local dealer (not saying those selling the Mazda are bad at all) mentioned on a local facebook page who's according to some posters a 'right con man'! One poster said he'd bought a car off this dealer for £5000 and it was a 'cut and shut' rendering it worthless. He said he had little chance of getting his money back.
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With a car with suspect glow plugs you can always turn the key until the pigtail light goes out and then turn key back and do it again so the glowplugs fire twice.
Accy cyclist

Accy cyclist

Legendary Member
With a car with suspect glow plugs you can always turn the key until the pigtail light goes out and then turn key back and do it again so the glowplugs fire twice.
i did that yesterday. I do it on cold, damp, frosty days. I thought it might struggle a bit yesterday, but not completely fail like it did. Anyway a mechanic is coming to have a look at it later today.


Legendary Member
The sports car.

No use for garden rubbish, no use for carrying a bike and how long before someone takes a stanley knife to the roof?

0 out of 10. I am afraid you could not give me it.
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