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Cycle Camera TV
South Croydon
I only really get recognized by other cyclists. Too many of us video camera users, even where I live there must be at least 10 in my town.

Quite funny the other day at the space 4 cycling rides, where I had wave after wave of people i don't know coming up and talking to me. It's not like i'm famous or anything.


"Young and Ex-whippet"
I only really get recognized by other cyclists. Too many of us video camera users, even where I live there must be at least 10 in my town.

Quite funny the other day at the space 4 cycling rides, where I had wave after wave of people i don't know coming up and talking to me. It's not like i'm famous or anything.


Legendary Member
Is it me, or does everything Matthew says and posts get's negative views and comments in return? Maybe I'm wrong. I don't know.

I would not be confident - based on his posting and video history and Asperger's - that Matt could differentiate between:

Taxi driver: You're becoming a bit of a celebrity are'nt ya?
Me: Only local.

Said in a neutral, friendly or veiled threatening manner.


Über Member
So your critique of the OP would be what?

I mean, there's not much there that warrants positivity.

Actually I disagree, Matthew let a taxi driver out and had conversation with a driver that's a more positive interaction then Matthew has previously had with drivers around his area. It's other member of this forum reading things into the post.

Better to be recognised as someone who will stand up for his beliefs and complain about safety issues then just complain on a forum and do jack about it. I see him going as far as getting a driver fired as a positive. It was the drivers decision to act dangerously as he did. Matthew reported the driver for the actions the driver did. Better to get the driver off the road then let him knock someone less confidant off of their bike.

His actions seem to have generated an awareness of cycling in his area, at least the Taxi drivers. This logically makes cycling for all a safer thing to do. What's negative about that?

I would not be confident - based on his posting and video history and Asperger's - that Matt could differentiate between:

History is history. Matthew has changed a lot over the last 6 months. Just look at his Youtube channel. No confrontations or fights.

Don't use the asbergers label as a way to explain his decisions. Asberger's doesn't suddenly make you more sensitive to people driving in a dangerous situation. I'm sure Matthew wouldn't want to be known as That cyclist with Asbergers for the rest of his life. Asbergers covers a broad spectrum. not everyone that is diagnosed will fit your perception of what Asbergers is about.

I replied to a post on a local forum where a member was being slagged for posting what other members said were non-issues :

It was a close pass because the OP perceived it was a close pass. You or I cannot disagree. My idea of a close pass may be different from yours.

Said in a neutral, friendly or veiled threatening manner.

Who knows, you are trying to second guess the meeting. Matthew seems happy with the conversation, so I take it that it was said in at least a neutral manor. So let's take it as that, and not analyse every word in what he typed.

Matthew has grown up a lot (don't mean to be insulting) over the last year. recognise the efforts he is making and accept him as Matthew, not a label.


a short-tempered ill-controlled small-minded troll
back in my youth, 1987 i recall... I went to see Pink Floyd on their Momentary Crapse of Reason tour. I thought hippies were cooool, and nothing was cooler than sharing a football stadium with thousands of hippies to watch the mighty Floyd be upstaged by their own light show. I ended up going to the concert on my own as my fellow Floyd buddy inexplicably didn't turn up for the coach. I found myself a nice vantage point amongst the thousands of hippies, not too close to the stage, not too far back, just left of the sound box and decided to roll a fat one to get me in the mood. I was new to all this hippy rolling malarkey and didn't really know how much to put in, so rather than embarrass myself as an obvious newbie, i put sh!t loads in... these things are made to share after all... so after few tokes, i began to wonder if i really was surrounded by Floyd loving hippies, or were some of them undercover coppers merely disguised as hippies? This tiniest bit of paranoia encouraged me not to share, so i smoked it all.... the first drones of whatever Floyd's opening track was filled the air... a thick heavy bassy throb that cut right through my rib cage. I fell over. Somebody helped me to my feet. I fell over again... in fact i fell over several times and people just kept helping me to my feet just so i could fall over again. This, I knew at the time and know now, was shameful... thank god i was surrounded by hippies/undercover coppers i didn't know. :thumbsup:

Then a year or two later, I started meeting new people... older people... hippy types, and on at least four occasions, somebody from that circle has pointed at me and said "You're that bloke who kept falling over when Pink Floyd played at Main Road!!!" turned out, I just happened to repeatedly timber myself next to sizeable crowd of Lancaster folk... the last time i was recognised as 'that bloke who kept falling over' was in the late 90's :shy:

Hip Priest

If it happens again, offer him an autograph. The only well-known cyclist round here is Jonathan Edwards. I've not spotted him yet, but when I do I'm going to say 'I thought you'd have made the jump to a triple!' and then watch as the laughter / comtempt spreads across his face.


Legendary Member
[QUOTE 2568983, member: 30090"]What? How could anyone possibly read into something so much that is posted on a cycle forum.

Whilst Matt has put his foot in it regarding some things I put this down to the fact that he is still growing up, typical young naivity and that he is an Aspi (no bad thing).

If you or anyone else wants to get wound up about a thread regarding hot dog stuffed pizza and someone proclaiming they are famous because a cabbie said so then then carry on!:wacko:[/quote]

I really have no idea what you are talking about.
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