Recommend me a wheel builder in North West.........

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Legendary Member
I get the feeling sometimes that if you haven't bought the entire bike from some local bike shops they don't give a monkeys. Their loss.....
Absolutely. There's another shop in Bolton who actually states they only take in bikes for repair that they have sold! Now that's all well and good when business is brisk, but nothing lasts forever.

There are ways of saying things, and if these shops said, "Look we're extremely busy at the moment, and the lead time is X, so while we'd love to do your job it will take a while for us to get to it" then that would be fine IME, they've been honest, you're in the know, then you can make an informed decision whether you wait or try somewhere else.

But to just turn around and say I'm not even bothered about your job because I'm too busy, well meh!


Well-Known Member
Mmmm...maybe he doesn't like you!! He has always been very accomodating for me.

I was in there yesterday and he seemed more than happy to have a chat about wheels with me. In the end, after almost an hour of deliberating and weight checking I did actually buy a pair of wheels from him (not handbuilt ones though to be fair).


How much does it cost to Oldham?
I'm leaning towards the same custom build but 'off the peg' through necessity. Open Pro rims with Hope Pro3 hubs. Should be strong enough for my big @rse:tongue:

I'd think twice about open pro's (at least the none-CD version) if you've got a big arse. I've got a big arse and i've caved the sidewall in on an open pro (in a bid to bring my big arse to a halt quickly) prematurely (5-6 months) on two occasions. Try an open sport or one of the CXP series, or something else entirely.


How much does it cost to Oldham?
And, back to the top, try moston cycles 01616810945. Always looked after my big ass. Although don't try him today cos he doesn't bother wednesdays.


Try Rich at "keep pedalling" in Manchester, nice bloke and known to stop in the pouring rain to help as long as it is on Oldham Rd.
I have open sports with sapim spokes tiagra hubs, built by him, I bounce mine up and down kerbs and along the cobbles of the Rochdale canal almost every day they're superb.
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