Recommendations for lightweight but effective bell

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Über Member
Cycling home on Friday from work had me carefully overtaking a runner at about 15kph, he was doing about 10-12… anyway he issued such a stream of profanities that two nearby elderly dog walkers were open mouthed.

Despite me calling out from 50 yards, 40, 30,20 and 10 yards behind him he didn't hear me until I was actually passing him on the shared use cycle/ped path across from Loirston Loch near Aberdeen. Amusingly he was going to have a go, but 6'1" and 16stones of hyped-up ginger nutter paused him for some reason...So, I wonder if there's a good lightweight bell anyone can recommend for my trusty Raleigh Randonneur?
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Middle Earth
I can't recommend anything really but I have had similar experiences! I did have a traditional bell on my old bike but I haven't bothered with my new one as it didn't really make much of a difference tbh.
I use shared use paths and have used a bell, have doesn't really matter, as a lot of other users have earphones in, the wind is blowing the sound behind me or they are busy chatting to their walking buddies.
I must add here that I do use my earphones on the paths, but on a low volume and only use one earphone.

These people think the shared paths are for walkers only! I've had dog walkers walking their dogs on long retractable leads, in the middle of the path. Despite shouts they don't hear, then give me abuse when I scare them by trying to get past them on the little bit of path they have not occupied! The same with runners, 2 or 3 abreast!

I expect it will only get worse as the better weather creeps in.


North London
I'm considering one of those 140 decibel horns for similar reasons. The number of idiots walking TOWARDS me, listening to music and staring at their phone, completely oblivious to the dedicated cycle path they are on is getting on my nerves.


Sad to say if shouting doesn't work, then neither will a bell. Some people are just completely oblivious to whats going o around them. I go through a park and on a few shared use paths on the way to work, so I feel your pain! Usually I am very patient, but often a few choice swear words are released if I'm in a bad mood!

John the Canuck

..a long way from somewhere called Home..


Evil communist dictator, lover of gerbils & Pope.
I find a snow plough works wonders, as does throwing poo.


Über Member
Aye OK wiggydiggy, I sense your conflicted thought - I am 100kg and yet want a small bell… its a cockpit thing really. I don't like having anything other than one item on the bars, so was thinking about mounting the bell sideways on the front of the quill stem. This means the eTrex still has a slot.


Legendary Member
If I know somebody has not acknowledged me I slow down to their speed, well just very slightly above before overtaking them, it is called defensive riding and should be practised at all times.


Here for rides.
2969887 said:
This bell, horn, shouting thing on shared paths, where does it stop being a friendly greeting and become a demand that someone get out of the way?
petrol fume affected mindset?

I am mightier than you.
I have audibly, and possibly aggressively, advised of my presence.
I am not slowing down.
I am coming through.

I blame the lead myself; it has addled folks' brains.

I wonder if the Op's runner did hear the multiple calls and was just hacked of that they were being shouted at whilst out for a run? Certainly nips my sack when a bike rider gets all shouty to me on a shared path.


De Skieven Architek... aka Penfold + Horace
My mother is getting deafer and can't hear people beind her and reacts angrily out of shock when someone startles her... she often shouts 'get a bell' at cyclists who have one and have used it as they approach! The better cyclists smile and apologise for startling her... can't repeat what the worst ones say!
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