Retarded development

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Absinthe Minded said:
I think you're being over the top - Catrike was just giving as good as he got (or as good as they'd have liked him to have got).

I know people that would cave your head in for you if you called them a twat, and I also know people with disabled kids that would pay no attention whatsoever to Catrike's 'retard' comment - they'd be sensible enough to consider the circumstances.

Should we consider the circumstances when some makes a racist remark?

I'm not being over the top, just saying my 2p worth that I don't like comments like that. I cannot ever think of a situation where I would feel it necessary to call someone a ret@rd. The fact is there is no need for it and a group of people find its use personally insulting. I just thought I would point that out, nothing more nothing less.

As for people 'caving my head in' for calling them a tw@t. They obviously have anger management issues. Anyway thats assuming that they would be capable of caving my head in......
magnatom said:
Should we consider the circumstances when some makes a racist remark?
Ah, the racist issue - well done.
I'm not being over the top, just saying my 2p worth that I don't like comments like that. I cannot ever think of a situation where I would feel it necessary to call someone a ret@rd. The fact is there is no need for it and a group of people find its use personally insulting. I just thought I would point that out, nothing more nothing less.
I feel exactly the same way about being called a twat.
As for people 'caving my head in' for calling them a tw@t. They obviously have anger management issues. Anyway thats assuming that they would be capable of caving my head in......
Just trying to illustrate how diferently people interpret insults - you've missed the point entirely with you anger management comment.
Absinthe Minded said:
Ah, the racist issue - well done.I feel exactly the same way about being called a twat.Just trying to illustrate how diferently people interpret insults - you've missed the point entirely with you anger management comment.

So what is the difference in making a comment that is insulting in a racist way and one that is insulting to someone with a mental illness? Please explain this one for me?

Tw@t is a general insult which as someone else mentioned equates to idiot. That is very different from a term that is insulting to a group of people who have the misfortune to suffer from mental illness.

I didn't miss the point I knew exactly what you were trying to say, but I think you have missed the very significant difference in terms such as tw@t and ret@rd. Would you agree that they are very different?


Rider of Seolferwulf
South London
I think it's 6 of one and half a dozen of the other. Magna and Catrike are no better than each other w.r.t. this language issue. For that matter, I'm no angel myself, LOL!
magnatom said:
So what is the difference in making a comment that is insulting in a racist way and one that is insulting to someone with a mental illness? Please explain this one for me?
Well, there is only one way to take a racist insult, whereas others can be taken differently (as illustrated earlier).
Tw@t is a general insult which as someone else mentioned equates to idiot. That is very different from a term that is insulting to a group of people who have the misfortune to suffer from mental illness.
No, "Twat" means worse than idiot - see Orgamist's post. As he says, you are thinking of "Twit", which is entirely different.
I didn't miss the point I knew exactly what you were trying to say, but I think you have missed the very significant difference in terms such as tw@t and ret@rd. Would you agree that they are very different?
No, you misunderstand "Twat".
Wait a minute, where did beancounters reply go?


Nice diplomacy, but I have to disagree. Bias against mental illness is a bugbear of mine. People used to use the word sp@astic a lot, (I probably did as a child) but now most folk have come to realise that it is very insulting to disabled people. Ret@art is the equivalent word with respect to mental illness. In general (yes a generalisation, I know) just don't have the same attitude to mental illness as they have to to physical disability and so words like this are still seen as acceptable.

I think there is a world of difference in my language compared to terms like this.
magnatom said:
So AM, your happy to call others tw*t but you don't like it yourself?
Yes, that's what insults are for. What do you want me to call somebody I want to insult; something that I myself would like being called? You're being silly.
Absinthe Minded said:
Well, there is only one way to take a racist insult, whereas others can be taken differently (as illustrated earlier).No, "Twat" means worse than idiot - see Orgamist's post. As he says, you are thinking of "Twit", which is entirely different.No, you misunderstand "Twat".

Tw*t is a reference to a part of a ladies body. Terms like this are meant to be generally offensive. Suer I should not use it, but it is not aimed at being derogatory to any particular group.

Ret@rd is a reference to a person suffering from a learning disability. It is particularly offensive to people who suffer from such afflictions.

AM, in what other way could ret@rd be taken?
Absinthe Minded said:
Yes, that's what insults are for. What do you want me to call somebody I want to insult; something that I myself would like being called? You're being silly.

Of course, I didn't not mean that you would be happy if someone called you it! What I am suggesting is that you have double standards.

Do you use the terms ret@rd and sp@stic AM?
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