Riding in Thunder and Lightening is it safe?

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Über Member
Hi, quite probably a stupid question but is cycling on an Aluminium framed bike in a thunder storm safe?


Kilometre nibbler
There was a discussion of this recently, here

I think the answer was: No. It isn't.

@ColinJ posted these links
Here's some safety advice and some more.
Don't mess with lightning!


Über Member
Thanks, on the "some more" link it quite clearly stated don't cycle! ...how am I gona get home lol


Kilometre nibbler
For some reason, I did not get an alert when I was tagged by Dogtrousers, a few posts ago ...

Can you tag yourself, @ColinJ? (Yes!)
I didn't tag you in the original post. I posted it, then editied it to include you. Which must have sneakily suppressed alerting.


Puzzle game procrastinator!
I didn't tag you in the original post. I posted it, then editied it to include you. Which must have sneakily suppressed alerting.

I didn't get an alert when I tagged myself, but I suppose that makes sense. Would you please tag me in a new post now so I can see if I get an alert from that - cheers.


You'll be ok so long as you remember to wear a helmet to protect your head.

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Mr Celine

Google for something like "cyclist killed by lightening" then compare your results with a search for something like "cyclist killed by car".

If you think cycling on roads shared with cars is an acceptable risk then you don't need to worry about lightening.

But don't blame me if you get wet. :rain:


Puzzle game procrastinator!
Google for something like "cyclist killed by lightening" then compare your results with a search for something like "cyclist killed by car".

If you think cycling on roads shared with cars is an acceptable risk then you don't need to worry about lightening.

But don't blame me if you get wet. :rain:
That's a false argument because most people have enough sense to avoid being in exposed places in torrential rain and thunderstorms! If you worked out how many people who did stand out in the open on hilltops in thunderstorms got hit, you wouldn't fancy doing it!

I was in Oxenhope village once when a thunderstorm blew over Cock Hill, 2 miles away on the climb that I was supposed to be going up, I stayed down in the village and watched lightning bolts zapping the road and fields either side of it. I am pretty sure that I would have been hit if I had ridden up there because my head would have been among the highest objects for miles around at the summit.

Shut Up Legs

Down Under Member
No, cycling in lightning is very dangerous, as is cycling in anything! :eek: Haven't you heard all the dire warnings about how dangerous cycling is? I know I have... let me see, it might have been from one of the motorist lobby groups, or something...
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