Rod Liddle trolls

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A wannabe Clarkson, yet failing to reach even those low standards!


Legendary Member
Meanwhile my broadband and phone provider have seen fit to air a piece about cyclists on their website

It starts off badly, ricochets off every cyclist cliche ever invented and ends with this gem

Cyclists routinely claim they aren't shown enough respect by motorists. Here's the thing - you need to earn that respect. Flagrantly ignoring the basics and leaving common sense at home won't get you what you think you deserve.

I note that both Virgin and Sky are involved with cycling both as a sport and with things like Sky Ride. Whilst BT have just called me - and their other cycling customers - dimwitted.

That Rod Liddle piece is just awful isn't it. Last week I saw the aftermath of the accident on CS2 and now I am reading that he considers that too few cyclists are killed. What an odious little daffodil.

I swear these people just write this crap as a last desperate attempt to attract some attention to their waning careers. Rod Liddle really needs to be found a placement writing about lost cats in the parish magazine, a task that may be more aligned with his literary abilities.
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slower but further
SE London
I swear these people just write this crap as a last desperate attempt to attract some attention to their waning careers. Rod Liddle really needs to be found a placement writing about lost cats in the parish magazine, a task that may be more aligned with his literary abilities.
That's very unfair to cats and the vulnerability of people who care for them. And to think he was once responsible for Radio 4's flagship programme now reduced to to writing audition pieces in the hope of a Dacre shilling ...


De Skieven Architek... aka Penfold + Horace
I would never have read this had it not been posted on CC. That will also apply to the 99.9% of the population who also don't read The Spectator.

He's making up controversial stuff to get it printed... I would expect that the people at whom the editors of the Spectator target the magazine are more than capable of seeing black humour for what it is without being the least influenced by it... had it been a popular daily paper I would be more concerned.


I think this has to be my favourite quote from the comments:

lycra-vacuum-packed budgie smuggling sanctimonious twerps


But in truth he has succeed in part of his goal, he wanted to stir controversy and to get people talking about it and clearly it has worked.


Über Member
Mole Valley
I would never have read this had it not been posted on CC. That will also apply to the 99.9% of the population who also don't read The Spectator.

He's making up controversial stuff to get it printed... I would expect that the people at whom the editors of the Spectator target the magazine are more than capable of seeing black humour for what it is without being the least influenced by it... had it been a popular daily paper I would be more concerned.

I have to agree with this whole heartedly. Why is everyone getting so upset at the views of a narrow minded bigot?
This particular publication doesn't have large reader base. Mr Liddle is just preaching his brand of journalism (if you want to call it so) to the converted.

Now, if his article was in The Daily Mail or The Sun, then maybe it would be worthy of reading. But The Spectator has a very limited readership.

Thinking about the last paper, I doubt that the Murdochs would allow his views too wide a distribution. Considering the amount of money they put into British Cycling, through Team Sky and Sky Rides, to name just two.

By the way, The Spectator magazine is owned by the Barclay brothers, who also own The Daily Telegraph. Those particular gentlemen, although reclusive, tend to have a reputation that is quite a long way to the right of Attila the Hun!


Über Member
OMG he jokes in BAD taste well sir that in my book = no taste and as for his friend (amazing as that may seem that he as any !) stringing piano wire across roads how Bloody stupid is a coment like this ? How long before some fool tries it out and some one gets killed or seriously hurt will his mate then standby this statement,if it was down to me I would have him charged with murder along with the ones who did it, and as per @Cunobelin says a wannabe Clarkson it seems he has quite a climb up to do to get any where near the same league IMHO.


Full time tea drinker
Armonmy Way
OMG he jokes in BAD taste well sir that in my book = no taste and as for his friend (amazing as that may seem that he as any !) stringing piano wire across roads how Bloody stupid is a coment like this ? How long before some fool tries it out and some one gets killed or seriously hurt will his mate then standby this statement,if it was down to me I would have him charged with murder along with the ones who did it, and as per @Cunobelin says a wannabe Clarkson it seems he has quite a climb up to do to get any where near the same league IMHO.
About a week -


Über Member
About a week -
What can I say we did have a spate of kids with a pretend rope across a road which did cause quite a bit of fun for the little dears until the local PCSO turned up (yes they can be usfull seeing that he was a local lad and knowing most of the how to get to and from places whilst evading capture etc) and collared them, ok not much happend to them but it has not occured since so lets hope.
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