Saddle position problems

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Recently i bought a charge spoon for my bike as i was not getting on with the stock saddle. All was well until recently went a cycling rwlative bought me a carbon seatpost for my birthday. Aftwr changing it, i had to reset the saddle postion and i cannot for the life of me get it comfortable now. I have tried forward, back, level ( see below) nose up.

On another note how do you get it level because it is shaped....well .".like a spoon, with a small cut out at the back. Sometimes i look at it and think well that isnlevel and other times it looks like it is nose up.

Am i doing something wrong? When it is nose up slightly, my undercarriage feels sore, but when it is level it feels like my sit bones are too far forwards and i want to push myself back. Maybe i should just ditch the saddle and try something else?


Rural Quebec
Did the old seat post have a set back, or does the new one?
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