Seriously Unfit!

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Über Member
Join the club, Mr unfit here ! Just as above keep at it, my milage is tiny compared to many on here but I've trebled my distances and hills that were a no no are now just a brisk push.
PS Never if you can avoid it ride without any specs. I know this seems like my hobby horse but a piece of grit or a bug in the eye can easily have you off the bike or damage your eye. This isn't some H/S bulletin just a bit of advice - it hurts like HELL !

Hip Priest

Lets keep things simple. Ride your bike, ride your bike, ride your bike. If you come up against any difficulties on the way, ask for advice on here.


Active Member
Join the club, Mr unfit here ! Just as above keep at it, my milage is tiny compared to many on here but I've trebled my distances and hills that were a no no are now just a brisk push.
PS Never if you can avoid it ride without any specs. I know this seems like my hobby horse but a piece of grit or a bug in the eye can easily have you off the bike or damage your eye. This isn't some H/S bulletin just a bit of advice - it hurts like HELL !

Thanks for the advice. Will get myself some.


Über Member
Join the club, Mr unfit here ! Just as above keep at it, my milage is tiny compared to many on here but I've trebled my distances and hills that were a no no are now just a brisk push.
PS Never if you can avoid it ride without any specs. I know this seems like my hobby horse but a piece of grit or a bug in the eye can easily have you off the bike or damage your eye. This isn't some H/S bulletin just a bit of advice - it hurts like HELL !

I need to buy some specs. I've had a number of times where I've got something almost in my eye. Not enough to blind me obviously, but enough to make me want to shut my eye. So I've had to stop the traffic behind and get onto the pavement and remove the offending item. Real nuisance.

Also, supposedly the right ones will protect you from glare and whatnot, will be important in the coming months with the sun coming out, also car headlights.


Über Member
So I took my bike to work for the first time. It's a lot of downhill on the way there so wasn't too hard. But on the way back it's all uphill and I was really struggling. Now I'm home and my legs are absolutely killing me. Didn't realise I was so unfit!
Any tips for getting back on track?
6 months ago 2.5 miles was all I could manage now doing around 8/9 miles and also dragging back the shopping, so take it easy and biuld it up over time and remember it's no sin to get off and walk a little. :thumbsup:


Keep Calm and OMG.......CAKES!!
I got back on my bike 4 years ago. I cycled only about 3 miles and I thought I was going to explode!
I kept at it and now I thoroughly enjoy cycling 30 miles at a time


Similar experience to my first bike ride which was fairly recently.
Straight out of my house and into a hill, was blowing a bit as I got to the top. On the flat for a short while, down a hill then another climb. Not the best start for an unfit beginner, new to cycling! Carried on for a while longer with a couple more hills (can you tell I live in a hilly area?)

Turned the bike round and came home................. I was absolutely knackered!

To be fair, I'd had nothing to eat beforehand, hadn't warmed up before taking on the 1st hill.

Hoping things will get easier!

Biker Joe

Über Member
Got back on the bike after a little over a year off due to illness.
I've biked all my life so I was shocked to find how difficult it was. 5 miles and I was totally knackered.
Anyway, I just about managed to get up to 11 miles when I took a tumble and done my ankle in. Then I got a stinking cold on top of that.
I'm not a happy bunny:angry:
The ankle is slowly improving. I'm recovering from the cold, just a very irritating tickly cough, and I'm waiting for the weather to improve so I can start all over again. At my age, recovery seems to take forever.
Still I'm looking forward to getting back on the bike and I know now what to expect. I will just have to take it easy and peddle,peddle, peddle.
I found the previous posts encouraging and don't feel quite so alone in this situation.
Bring on the sunshine.
Got back on the bike after a little over a year off due to illness.
I've biked all my life so I was shocked to find how difficult it was. 5 miles and I was totally knackered.
Anyway, I just about managed to get up to 11 miles when I took a tumble and done my ankle in. Then I got a stinking cold on top of that.
I'm not a happy bunny:angry:
The ankle is slowly improving. I'm recovering from the cold, just a very irritating tickly cough, and I'm waiting for the weather to improve so I can start all over again. At my age, recovery seems to take forever.
Still I'm looking forward to getting back on the bike and I know now what to expect. I will just have to take it easy and peddle,peddle, peddle.
I found the previous posts encouraging and don't feel quite so alone in this situation.
Bring on the sunshine.
I know what you mean about recovery, I am 49 next month and this last one has really lingered.


The overnight deluge left us with a fairly hefty blanket of snow this morning. No option but to wrap up, put the boots on and walk into work. Just 4 miles and mainly downhill all the way. Quite a pleasant walk. Arrived at work feeling wide awake and ready for the day, even if the old pins were aching slightly. (Not particularly easy walking in around 3" to 8" of snow)
Full days work and it was home time. Again, the boots were back on and off I marched. This time though, the majority of my walk was uphill. By the time I got home I was feeling a bit knackered. Hot and a little bit sweaty I jumped under the shower.
After my tea when the recovery was complete I felt great.

Unfit maybe, but after exercise and recovery you don't half feel good. :thumbsup: .
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