Should i be tired?

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More serious cyclist than Bonj
Should i be tired now?
Last night i couldnt sleep. I spent a while after i cam off here with my random thoughts of taking over the world and other stuff.
At 2 i got up and went downstairs to sit in the front room, in the coldness. After trying everything that normaly works(except self-gratifying) i decided to just go sit downstairs. Which i did. At about 2:30 i stop forcing myself to keep my eyes open and went to sleep until 3:35. Then i walked upstairs to get back into my bed. It was getting light then and i thought that i wasnt going to be ale to get more sleep. But i did, and from about 4ish till 7 i slept.
I had to be up then to do a paper round and go to work.
So i did 4 hours at work today and walked around town with my GF, before coming home and relaxing with her on the sofa in the front.
I was expecting to be very tired and to have a big headache today. But, except my tiredness at the start of the day, im fine.
Im now worrying im not going to sleep much tonight, and its going to be the same again:sad: I end up lieing there, knowing im not sleeping and getting annoyed im not sleeping. Which gets me even more annoyed to be annoyed at not sleeping because i know thats not helping.
My mind cant seem to rest, i wasnt thinking of anything and i have nothing to be worrying about. So i dont know what was stopping me.
I ended up just thinking that im not sleeping for a reason, and it must be that my body just doesnt feel the need for the sleep. But this morning it did.4
I ****ing hate my brain.
Whats the chances of me sleeping tonight then? Im not tired now, and have felt abit crappy for most of the day.
Any tips for helping me sleep? My sleeping pattern has changed, i used to go to bed at 10/10:30 and be up for 7/7:30 every day. But it gradually changed(and has been at this for nearly a year) that i go to be about 11-12:00 and get up at about 9 in the week, 7 at the weekend.
Before someone comes in and says " stop moaning, its only happened once, you should see how it feels to have it every night" i would hate to be like that.
Whats your sleeping tips?


Secret Lemonade Drinker
Have a w*nk and be done with it.


Secret Lemonade Drinker
Count sheep ???????


More serious cyclist than Bonj
ComedyPilot said:
Count sheep ???????

No, tried that.
I even tried leaving the duvet off me so i would get cold, then going back under it to get that nice warm feeling which normally makes me go to sleep.


Legendary Member
Joe24 said:
Whats your sleeping tips?

Don't go to bed hungry.
Have a shower before bed.
Clean sheets.
Clear conscience.
Tidy room.
Routine - easier if you're an old fart :biggrin:

If it's not happening then don't lie there fretting, drink of milk, read a book or go for a walk round the block.


More serious cyclist than Bonj
longers said:
Don't go to bed hungry.
Have a shower before bed. Did
Clean sheets. Did, i was in my bed after being in the caravan since monday
Clear conscience. nothing on it
Tidy room. no
Routine - easier if you're an old fart :biggrin: im not old enough

If it's not happening then don't lie there fretting, drink of milk, read a book or go for a walk round the block.i think i should of done that earlier, got out my mess about fixed and gone for a quick blast. It wasnt too cold last night either.



Legendary Member
Using have instead of "of" might help.

Try it.

It could take a couple of weeks before you feel the effect.
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