Should I get some euros before the referendum?

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Get it after the referendum, the pound will strengthen with a remain vote, No voters will be taken out and shot creating a surge in the economy and you'll get more for your spondulics.




Senior Member
I find it very sad that the government gave the people an opportunity to vote whether to stay or leave, and have now forced quite awful propaganda down our throats, instead of simply laying the pro's and cons.

The only thing that we can be certain of, is that any projection about whether we stay or leave will be wrong.

I just hope whichever way the country decides doesn't further dilute our identity as a nation.

Accy cyclist

Legendary Member
What mass immigration? Care to give some figures?

If you think recent immigration is the reason why schools and health care are under pressure then you're sadly mistaken - and swallowing some rather loathe some propaganda. Who do you think many of the teachers, nurses and doctors are?

Once again! How would you explain the big jump in our population?


Leg End Member
Current rate is approx. 1.30. Last summer I was able to make a couple of purchases at 1.35 and 1.38 but the rate moved to approx. 1.41 at the end of the holiday season. The rate then went into freefall around the start of the year as a result of the Brexit fears; reaching about 1.21 before recovering to the current rate.

I'll be needing to make an exchange later in the year but I'm waiting until after the poll in the hope that we stay in the EU and the rate improves because of the traders feeling good about the uncertainty being removed. However, as others have said - it's a gamble and even 1.30 looks good compared to some of the rates I've got in previous years when there wasn't a 'Brexit' fear!

IMO Currency rates often appear to be more related to how the traders 'feel' than hard economic/political data so it's hard to judge when to jump at a purchase! Good luck with your 'guess'.
Avoid the back half of the week, the value tends to drop, £ - €, with Friday being the worst day. Tuesday being the better day to change € - £.


I find it very sad that the government gave the people an opportunity to vote whether to stay or leave, and have now forced quite awful propaganda down our throats, instead of simply laying the pro's and cons.

The only thing that we can be certain of, is that any projection about whether we stay or leave will be wrong.

I just hope whichever way the country decides doesn't further dilute our identity as a nation.
You have nailed it. We have been given a referendum the vast majority of people didn't ask for, and don't understand. This is just basically a squabble within the conservative party that they have made us all part of.

There should be three options on the ballot paper, yes, no, and stop wasting our time and money.


Southend on Sea
Once again! How would you explain the big jump in our population?
Over how long ?
Certainly better medical care leading to increased life span and a drop in infant mortality will have increased the population as people are living longer. Also the better health care , leading to almost everything being treated , together with the public expectation that everything can be treated, has increased the load on the NHS.
What cant be ignored in the population increase is the comfort issue. 40 odd years ago the world was an unsure place, with the cold war etc, people were less certain about bringing a new life into the world .
Also the , to coin a phrase, breeding males, have systematically been culled by wars and epidemics at regular intervals over the previous years, this country has not had that reduction in males for the last 50 years.
To use a phrase nicked from cycling, marginal gains, these small factors all add up and population growth is exponential too.
There might have been other independent analysis that Paul was referring to. Bank of England, IMF, OECD, for example.

I, for one, wouldn't want to live in a little Englander state run by right wing Tories (out for themselves and sod the vulnerable) should we vote to leave and have a Boris/Gove/Fox/Lawson take-over. I will be applying for Scottish citizenship and go and live next door to @Marmion.
I hate to break this to you Rocky, but you already live in a Little Englander state run by Tories.

You'd be more than welcome to come live next to me. But you'd still live in a Little Englander state run by Tories due to those who voted to stay Little Englanders.
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