Show-us yer Covid masks....

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Legendary Member


Well, Ms Jacobs is speedier than most scientists I know :wacko:


Whatever she was on I want a go!, she was on the disco biscuits by the look of it..

As for masks, if you need to cough, fold your arm and cough into your elbow. Apparently the virus likes a moist environment, which is a facemask down to a T.


Legendary Member
Headover it is called I think. I shoplifted a couple before we shut the shop. Very useful in cold weather to keep the neck warm.


Puzzle game procrastinator!
I passed wind earlier today, and within seconds it had penetrated the material of my Y fronts and my jeans and was assaulting my nasal passages.

Suddenly I have no confidence in cloth masks to stop anything.
That's the wrong comparison though, since masks are not supposed to stop individual virions (virus particle - I looked it up!). I think your Y-fronts and jeans would be pretty effective at stopping you splattering people 2 metres away next time you shart! :whistle:
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