SKS Chromoplastic rear loose

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My rear guard has become loose, causing tyre rub.

It seems to be loose a the plastic holder attached to the rear brake, I assume this should be tight?

Had a quick look and it looks like the plastic holder has slightly worn the part of the guard it holds, resulting in the looseness.

Is this worth an attempted repair - or should I replace?

Ajax Bay

It seems to be loose a the plastic holder attached to the rear brake, I assume this should be tight?
Well on mine the 'bridge' (uses the bolt for the rear brake to hold it up) is metal. I can't see that plastic would be up for this task. Yes; it needs to be tight. These are really easy to replace - they will eventually fail through (vibration) fatique (well mine did after 5 years).
(NB for 35mm width)


Thanks for the reply - can those metal bridges be squeezed to size? as the constant vibration seems to have eaten away slightly at the guard itself so I think a standard size one might still be too loose?
Yep, the plastic clip has a bit of a design fault. Not a solution once it's worn the guard but some gaffa tape under it will stop it doing it. The aluminium clips don't wear the guard but do tend to break, although they are easy to fix with a couple of cable ties. When you replace the clip you should be able to just turn it the other way to miss the worn section of the guard.


The older I get, the faster I used to be ...
I have fairly tight clearance on my winter bike frame and having experienced a number of mudguard failures at that point I no longer bother with the clip. As long as the rear stays are correctly positioned and tight the guard is held against the brake bridge and well clear of the tyre. I use a self adhesive felt pad stuck to the guard at the point of contact to avoid rattles.


I used a 50mm SKS bracket to fix the guards on my wife's Raleigh. It is possible to bend the bracket out and reshape it if required.

Took a bit of time to get it right.
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