Somerset levels

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Speck said:
Hopefully, so if I do I could give someone a lift to Wells. Last time I picked Iain up but this time he isn't far from the start.

I'll keep an eye on the weather. lovely and sunny this morning, took my Daughters Boxer over the fields and just got back and the Heavens opened. It dryed up so we went into Bath to look at the new shopping centre. Looks better than that 1960's thing down Marchant's Passage lol.

used to live in Bath many moons ago. Before the centre was rebuild there used to be a cinema called the Red House I believe. It used to have lots of comfy sofas all hand painted with animals . There was a coffee ,tea and cake bar and it was all very comfortable and civilised.

The centre was gutted and the fascades all propped up with timber buttressing . Quite an impressive site. Regretably it all collapsed and the original fascades were lost.

When it rained patrons were issued with umbrellas.B) During the daytime it was a cafe and art gallery.They used to hang art from Shepton mallet prison.
Opposite under the pavement was a rather nice resturant where I believe the Green party started back in the 70's ?


Speck said:
Hopefully, so if I do I could give someone a lift to Wells. Last time I picked Iain up but this time he isn't far from the start.
I won't be leaving my phone in your car Speck
thanks for meeting me @ wells


Toshiba Boy I am fine thanks :biggrin:
I hope weather is ok 2.
I can't get on pc very often, are we all on for sunday stil ? I have been looking for carparks in wells but you have to pay on sundays.
I have been thinking there is a pub called the burrcott inn or burrcott arms I will phone the pub and find out if you can park there for a few hours.


Somerset UK
Not impressed with the weather forecast - this is today's effort from the met office...

Outlook for Friday to Sunday:

Early rain clearing, then sunny spells and scattered blustery showers on Friday. Rain and strong winds spreading northwards Saturday, then squally on Sunday with heavy showers and gusty southwesterly gales.
Updated: 1526 on Wed 18 Nov 2009



New Member
I live just around the corner from the Burcott Inn which is in the village of Wookey (not to be confused with Wookey Hole with caves & witches etc.), which is a couple of miles from Wells.
If you are planning to meet up in Wells, might I suggest you consider the Sherston Inn (Priory Rd, Wells, BA5 1SU 01749 673 743), which has a car park and is just a couple of hundred yards from Wells High Street.

Yuck! - Just checked the latest Met Office forecast for Sunday ~ winds gusting up to 51 mph!


Somerset UK
If this forecast isn't changed I shaln't be there - don't do winds that strong (and not too keen on the rain bit either).


Very windy with heavy showers or longer spells of rain. The wind will gust 50 to 60 mph, perhaps locally reaching 70 mph along exposed western coasts. Maximum temperature 12 °C.
Updated: 0245 on Sat 21 Nov 2009


Oldest Teenager In Town
Nr Bath
Iainj837 phoned me last night and said he hasn't a landline or internet at home and he gets a lousy signal as well! He did text me later and suggested we meet at The Sherston Inn on Priory Road. Looks a bit posh on their website, ister pub to the Riverside in Cheddar.

I don't know what to say, the weather doesn't look too good, just been into Bath and Frome and it is raining horizontally (reminds me of back home in North Derbyshire).

Maggot, I didn't think we were going up The Gorge or is there a van shuttle lol. Do you think some of the Levels will be flooded?

I will PM you all on behalf of Iain and will give you his mobile number, I have just tried him but the phone is just ringing out. I cannot think of any other way of tackling it.


Somerset UK
As things stand assume I won't be there unless I actually appear. Strong winds are one thing I can't do well, and with those forecast I just can't breathe properly!

If I do come and can't find you I have Iainj837's number in my phone from last time, but assume the meet is still the market place.
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