Son in Laws Trek.

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Some years ago my Son in Law got a new Trek MTB which he proceeded to ride into the ground. In a good ten years he never cleaned it and maintenance was the very minimum. Eventually it ended up in the shed where it has sat for several years. We have poached the wheels off it for a Giant MTB I gave him. I am going to ring my daughter tonight and see if she can work her magic on him, you know, flutter her eyelids and be nice to him, then try and persuade him to let me take it to do it up and use. Last time I tried, about a year ago, he wouldn't part with it, but I know it hasn't moved since then. Under the dirt and grot it's still not a bad bike, not that I will tell him that though lol. Needs a total strip down and rebuild but that's what I enjoy with bikes. So I will see how I get on.
good luck compo , better it be used than left unloved at the back of a shed.


Just take it. The lazy git won't know any different.

He gets up at 0400 six days a week, whatever the weather he cycles several miles to work and works through till 2pm then cycles home. He has done this for years. I would hesitate to call him a lazy git. He is just a tight fisted git ^_^


Well-Known Member
Just borrow it :tongue:

I have a similar problem with a 2007 specialized hard rock.
I moved out of my parents and my little brother inherited it. Now it needs a complete strip. I'm still working on obtaining the bike but its one of those waiting games. Then it's fun time, found a boy that will powder coat it for me for 25 pounds :biggrin: and all the original decals on on eBay for a tenner. Add new hydraulic disks, fox forks and new chain set. Instant happiness.

Just go for it compo YOU won't regret it haha


Well, he wont part with his Trek. He says he hopes to do it up in the summer. I said I would do it up and save him the job but he wouldn't go for it.

However, all is not lost. I gave him a Giant MTB a few months ago that I had built up onto a frame off Ebay and he says he never rides it as he has another bike he prefers so I am having that one back. It is this one, and will do me just as good as the Trek.



Well-Known Member
If you are looking for a project check gumtree for frames or bikes. I missed out on this and couldn't beleive it. I have spied the very same hard rock (that is lurking at my parents house out the back) at only £115. So thinking of picking it up myself. Just have to find time between riding and work to sit and tinker :smile:


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