Speeding course and room of denial.

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Just had to do a driver awareness course as been caught speeding. Amazed at the attitudes in the room.

Massive denial that they had done anything wrong and lots of reasons why they should not have to attend. Some quite childish.

Undercurrent of hatred for everyone else not in a car, such as pedestrians, horse riders, cyclists and motorcyclists.

Many will be carrying on and getting points soon I am sure. Determined to avoid any learning.

I thought it was a good course well run and much better than getting points.

Are others getting the same experience ?


South Wales

The people on my course all accepted they had done wrong. There was one who I don't think was going to learn or change much, but the rest seemed receptive.

And I agree about your last sentence.

Tail End Charlie

Well, write it down boy ......
I did one about 10 years ago.
The first part allowed people to give "reasons" why they had been speeding. Usual stuff - not aware of limit, didn't know the road, late etc etc.
The facilitator than said they weren't "reasons" to be speeding but excuses. He then said something like when you are in control of a ton and a half of metal at speed you should be aware of surroundings, speeds etc. I thought he got the point across very well.
He also specifically said he didn't want to hear any anti cyclist rants.
I thought the course very beneficial.


Legendary Member
My eldest lass recently went on one.

She was bang to rights, and hands up admitted it. No excuses.

She went on the course with the intention of keeping ears pinned back and trap shut, and sure enough the room was full of cyclist/horse/ped hating bellends as described.

At half time to bloke went to my lass and told her that if she didn't engage he'd havemto mark her down as not having completed the course,so she was forced to argue and whine and come up with fake justification for her speeding like the rest of them.

Seems to me the whole thing is simply reinforcing the prejudices in the minds of the bulk of these fools, not teaching them any kind of lesson that they didn't or shouldn't have already known.

The whole thing is a sop to the war against rhe motorist brigade. Get rid of them and give them the points instead, andnif thats difficult for them then they can get the bus.


I asked AI to show the 'real' me.
Does it affect your insurance levels at renewal? Can't remember what effect it might have.

Tail End Charlie

Well, write it down boy ......
Does it affect your insurance levels at renewal? Can't remember what effect it might have.

My wide did one a year ago and they said it doesn't affect insurance as there's no national database where it's logged (so you don't have to declare).
I'm not sure I agree with this approach. Although I bet the insurers load your premium when you declare a speeding fine (i.e. they assume you've already had an awareness course and weren't eligible for another).


Devotee of OCD

The people on my course all accepted they had done wrong.

Likewise. All attendees manned up and accepted however and why-ever the speeding had occured....they were in control of the vehicle at the time.


N Ireland
I'm hoping I get offered a place on one of these as got my first ticket in 23 years of driving the other week.

I had totally forgotten about the letter coming in and only sent it back yesterday, a few days late - hopefully they have a little flexibility there!


self serving virtue signaller
I went on one a few years ago. In my case, mea culpa, I completely farked up speed limits on a stretch of road and did 60 in a 50 zone.

Didn't get any bad attitudes on, but what I was absolutely amazed by was the level of ignorance of national speed limits. There was a quiz on what the limit was on various stretches of road and only two of us (out of about ten) got them all right!

Theory and practical retest every 10 years minimum required IMO.


I'm hoping to be offered one. I recently passed a camera at 36 in a 30 zone. The camera is ½ mile from my home. I know why it happened but don't excuse it. I know the limit, I know the camera is there though its been switched off for perhaps 20 years.

Usually I approach the camera having been in a 30 for three miles. This time I approached it from the opposite direction, normally from this direction I would turn right to my village before the 30 limit. This night I went straight on and I didn't slow adequately as I entered the 30.

All uphill

Still rolling along
I was on one ten years ago and thought it was excellent.

There was only one eejit on the day, who persisted that his powerful car just couldn't be held back! It didn't like going at 30, 45 was the minimum!

One of the tutors got a round of laughter when he asked how the eejit managed in multi-storey car parks at 45 mph!
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