'Spot Check'

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I was reading the Cycling Weekly homepage, & saw the 'Top 10 Stories' article

Then opened the Lauren Dolan story, she was the faller, in the 2016 Junior Womens World Championships TT, in Bergen, & her injuries

I happened to look down the comments, & this was linked
What a contrast!!!
Can't pull his sock up!

It reminds me of this meme

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The BBC image shows another view, of the injury to her knee

The Telegraph has it spot on, with the opening paragraph;
Cyclists often enjoy making fun of footballers, mocking them for rolling around on the floor at the slightest of contact while they dust themselves off from their latest 30mph crash wearing nothing but Lycra.
Rarely, though, can a rider have lived up to that 'hard man' image as much as Lauren Dolan.


Edit @ 10:49
If you do open the 'Sock' story, at least it seems that the Coach quoted thinks it's funny (was he really wanting to say "Man Up!"??)
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Legendary Member
If I was in charge of football (and its lucky for footballists that I am not), anyone injured sufficiently to be rolling around on the floor in agony should be sent off for the rest of the game, and excluded from the following game as well if it falls within a statutory 14 day recovery period.


There are lots of examples of athletes doing everything they can to finish at the Olympics. I think it’s amazing, every single time I see it. They’ve trained for many years for a very short time competing and it’s amazing how the human mind can overcome significant pain by focusing on the finish line. Fair play to Lauren for this example too!


Failed Tech Bro
But footballers don't go down like a sack of spuds because they're hurt little florets, they feign injury to gain competitive advantage.

I use the same analogy when I get collared for a cycling-and-drugs conversation. Cyclists drug up to gain competitive advantage - crudely it's cycling's equivalent of taking a dive. That covers the full spectrum from pushing the rules boundaries like Wiggin's and Froome's TUEs, roughly equivalent to the soft penalty after contact in the box, all the way to the full Lance - think the Italian 2006 match-fixing scandal. They're all professionals sports people who earn their keep by winning and they will all weigh the risks and rewards of whatever behaviour helps them win.

I had the pleasure of getting quite close to Yaya Toure a couple of years ago (inverting the Father Ted joke - this Yaya is near, that Yaya is enormous) and believe me, nothing short of a small nuclear explosion would knock him over if he was determined to stay upright, but he was as happy as anyone to hit the deck in the area if he thought a penalty was a better outcome than an attempt on goal.

Ajax Bay

East Devon
Those reports of Lauren Dolan's crash injuries, getting back up, changing bikes and finishing the time trial off (8km - still in rain and on difficult wet Bergen roads, remember) are awe inspiring. Bit surprised they were not reported much at the time and no contemporary chat on CC, I note. IMO we'd do well not to let this thread descend into a critique of the correctness of some footballers' reactions to being kicked, or whatever. Hope to see her in competitions next season. OP - thank you for posting.


Legendary Member
Lauren's injuries were certainly more spectacular than the normal road rash, but getting up and finishing after quite severe injuries is fairly normal in cycling.
The one I like was Fiorenzo Magni finishing 2nd in the 1956 Giro, after breaking his collarbone on stage 12, and his arm (humerus) on stage 16 (out of 22). Fortunately the arm was the same side as the collarbone; it would have been difficult otherwise.

Ajax Bay

East Devon
You can see lacerations: you can't see broken pelvises. Doesn't mean one is more painful than the other. I am full of admiration for them both.
I hope Lauren gets sponsorship from a suitable bike make importer but for the moment she's riding a Cervelo P2 provided by Colin Lewis Cycles in Paignton (Lauren comes from Devon - A38 corridor) - not sure Dolan can compete with that.
I like her last quote (from hospital in Bergen on the eve of her 18th birthday):
“As Dolly Parton said, ‘in order to get the rainbow you must be able to deal with the rain’. ”

John the Monkey

Frivolous Cyclist
A blessing and a curse - I've seen riders finish stages who should not have been allowed near a bike until properly recovered.


Legendary Member
Looking at my browser history, Cycling Weekly redirected me to something called xebadu.com

How does that happen?
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