Stolen bike RETURNED!!

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Legendary Member
How amazing is this?

Basically, when I got my Thorn, I lent a friend my Dawes hybrid, George. A few months ago, she phoned me really upset - George had been stolen from her work car park. She works alongside the prison service so it's not in the nicest area. It now turns out that she did a scout of the area including a slightly dodgy looking 'junk' shop across the road. She's very pretty and said how awful it was, it was her only means of transport, the bike was borrowed from a friend who was 'really upset' etc.

I saw her last night and apparently I missed her phone call but a few days later, after the theft, she came into work and there's George leaning on her desk.

It appears that he had been stolen and sold on for A TENNER :becool::angry::biggrin: The new 'owner' knows the bloke in the junk shop who mentioned my friend had been over and it might be worth returning the bike and once she'd handed over his tenner, George was back again!!!

The wierdest story ever! However I'm so excited that George is back!!! I can imagine what happened etc but I don't really care at present.


Resting in suspended Animation
Good news :becool:.
George Dawes.

We have a Dawes tandem also called George - obviously a family thing...

I read Stuart Maconie (of BBC R2) 's book 'In Search of the North', where he says that he worked as a teacher in Skelmersdale 20 years ago and the local scallies (Skem being built originally as somewhere to put scousers when they cleared-out derelict estates in Liverpool) used to break into the school every weekend, steal photocopiers and video recorders etc, he'd have to go and buy them back in a local pub for a tenner or two which the scallies then used to buy beer and drugs, then the next weekend they'd do the same again.


andy_wrx said:
George Dawes.
He's the giant baby man with the scores!...


Legendary Member
Didn't get any insurance money, so nope! Just the joy of having my bike back. And no photos of my lovely friend either, I'm afraid.

Still very chuffed indeed.


Cathryn said:
How amazing is this?

Basically, when I got my Thorn, I lent a friend my Dawes hybrid, George. A few months ago, she phoned me really upset - George had been stolen from her work car park. She works alongside the prison service so it's not in the nicest area. It now turns out that she did a scout of the area including a slightly dodgy looking 'junk' shop across the road. She's very pretty and said how awful it was, it was her only means of transport, the bike was borrowed from a friend who was 'really upset' etc.

I saw her last night and apparently I missed her phone call but a few days later, after the theft, she came into work and there's George leaning on her desk.

It appears that he had been stolen and sold on for A TENNER xx(:?:excl:eek: The new 'owner' knows the bloke in the junk shop who mentioned my friend had been over and it might be worth returning the bike and once she'd handed over his tenner, George was back again!!!

The wierdest story ever! However I'm so excited that George is back!!! I can imagine what happened etc but I don't really care at present.

Theres a saying ~ goes something like this:

if somethings lost, its usually not far away
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