Suggestions for a new cycle (not mine)

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A friend of mine had a bad accident a few weeks ago, is recovering slowly and has been asking about a suitable cycle which he can use to get his fitness back, when he is given the green light to start building it up in about a month.

One of his arms is buggered and will take a fair amount of work to get full strength back, so a full blown roadie is out of the question as he doesn't want to lean forward to far with it (higher the better to keep the swelling down in it), he also broke his hip, and femur in 2 places as well as what looks like the cruciate ligament has been buggered in his knee all on the left side so he doesn't want a really heavy clunker to ride.

I've suggested something like my Marin Fairfax as it is reasonably light with flat bars but am thinking he may feel the bumps on one a bit as it has 700c (28s IIRC) wheels and ally frame with carbon forks.

Is a hard tail with a decent front end the way to go or is it just an unnecessary weight penalty ?

Any suggestions for a bike up to or around £1k to get him going ?
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